A Good Sign

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"Well, it doesn't matter to me, I really don't mind." Momiji said as he ran over to me, bringing his arms out for a hug.

I opened my arms to let him in, taking in his presence as much as I could.

"You shouldn't though, it's unfair to you, don't you think?" I stated moving my hands from his back to his shoulders.

"No! Not at all!" Momiji bounced in his boots.

I let out a sigh as we started walking over to his place.

The only problem was when I got near the Sohma Estate. I can usually handle it, but for some odd reason, it was much harder.

With each step, my breathing felt heavy, like someone slowly putting more pressure onto my throat with chains.

"You feeling ok?" Momiji questioned me as my breathing was becoming louder and easier to hear.

"Don't worry, about me..." I stopped and grabbed my knee.

What is going on?

That's when a headache started to forcefully pound. Am I, triggering a curse break?

This is the most exciting news! Have I finally triggered it?

When I got that headache during the weekend, is that what started it?

How did I start it?

Momiji's POV:

I kept repeating her name, over and over again. Repeatedly I snapped at her face as her body seemed to become faint and shaky.

This can't happen again, what should I do?

"Y/n!" I clapped to be louder.

She looked at me with her eyes, and right then and there it's almost like the world stopped. My heart sank as their eyes drifted, and they fell into my arms.

I shook her a few times to see if she was concious, but unfortunately she wasn't.

What was I supposed to do?

I could call Shigure's home phone! That's it.

As the phone rang and rang and rang, the click of the phone made my day.

"Hello?" A sweet voice said.

"Tohru!" I replied, frantic.

"What's going on," Tohru questioned. "Are you ok?"

"It's not me, it's Y/n!" I shouted. "She's not waking up and I don't know what to do!"

We weren't close enough to the sohma estate for me to continue along the path with her.

The phone line cut out, "Tohru?... Tohru?" I questioned.

I hung up and called Hatori, my next best bet.

Dialing his number was hard, knowing what he'd say... I didn't want it to happen.

For seconds, all I heard was ringing, then a click.

"Hatori!" I yelled, "I need your help."

"Help with what, Momiji?"


"Speak louder, I can't quite hear you."


"Where are you, exactly?"

"Just a few turns from the school."

"I'll be there as quick as possible, but the house is pretty busy, im sorry, just keep a close eye on her."

And like that, the phone was yet again put away. That simple click and I was left there to wait and worry.

How could I be of more help?

I held onto Y/n, tightly and closely. The sound of her breathing was incredibly unstable, what could've triggered her?

Maybe it wasn't even a trigger, she seemed fine until I heard her breathing. She could just be sick right?

Or am I just thinking that to get over the fact that I'm panicking? Most likely.

Every now and then I would shake her to try and get her up, just in case, but it never worked.

What's going on?

Tohru's POV:

"The phone! Oh no." I said as I picked up the phone from the ground with my shaky hands.

The wire disconnected from the base, so I plugged it back in.

The fear in Momiji's voice, I need to go right now.

"What's going on, who called?" Kyo asked as he came over, Yuki just behind him.

"It was Momiji," I said trembling. "I need to go-."

Kyo tugged on my arm as I tried to leave.

"Why so suddenly? Is Momiji ok?" Kyo kept asking questions, he was surprisingly calm. He probably saw how my emotions changed from our conversation before the call.

"It's because, uhm..." I wasn't sure what to do. Y/n is knocked out and if I don't go any quicker she'll be left there for who knows how long.

"Take your time." Kyo said as he undid the tight grip and kept an arm beside him so Yuki wouldn't go past him.

"Y/n..." I stated, I was quiet but I was sure they heard it.

Yuki's eyes were wide, he worried for Y/n like no other person. He acts like a brother with her.

"Where?!" Yuki yelled.

"I'm not sure! The phone cut out!" I replied.

"It's ok, I'll see you guys soon!" Yuki shouted as he ran out.

"I'm going with you!" Kyo stopped me.

"Don't rush in like that, if Momiji called and realised the phone cut out, he most likely called someone else too. There'll already be a few people there, no need for it to be chaotic."

Kyo watched as Yuki ran down the stairs.

Shifting Souls | Fruits Basket Story (Momiji x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now