Sneaking Around Town

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"It's been so long since we've all eaten lunch together like this" Tohru stated.

"It has." Hanachan replied.

"The food would taste a lot better without you idiots around." Kyo said.

Everyone ignored him, I nudged him in the shoulder though.

"Have you already turned in your career plan, Tohru?" Hanachan asked.

"Yep." Tohru smiled.

"Wow, that quick?" I said as I took a bite of some rice.

"Yeah." Tohru said.

"I haven't yet. I'm not sure what I wanna do." Hanachan continued.

"Yeah me neither." Uochan commented. "How can we decide that crap now? Though I guess you've had your plan in mind for a while, huh?"

"It's the same as always." Tohru clasped her hands together softly. "Start working right away to support myself."

"A work force. Sounds like a viable option." Hanachan replied.

"It's not the only one though." I started. Arisa looked at me, we knew what we were going to say. I nodded my head to tell her she could say it.

"Y'know, you could always just get married, Tohru." She said. I got surprised, that's exactly what I had on my mind.

Tohru replied with a 'huh'.

"Oh, marriage? In that case, perhaps I should go to college." Hanachan said. "Then I would be better able to support us."

"Don't pick out your wedding dress just yet." I replied with a chuckle.

"I have something else in mind." Uochan smirked as she spoke those words.

"Like her getting hitched to one of these jokers?" I asked.

"Yes! Exactly." Arisa said back to me.

"Huh?" They both said. Rude.

"What the hell are those faces for?" I said as they looked at us confused, now scared by the looks of our faces.

"You got a problem with Tohru, you got a problem with me, and you don't want that." Arisa said to them.

"No, there's no problem at all." Yuki said, scared of us attacking.

"Well, then, we'll see which one of us wins." Hanachan said. "Including Y/n."

"We didn't even say anything, stop picking a fight!" Kyo said.

"Uhm guys, maybe I will get married someday, but it probably won't be anytime soon. So I don't know if we need to start making plans right now." Tohru said as she looked down to her food.

"Who know's. I could surprise all of ya and be the first one to tie the knot." Arisa stated.

"I'd pity the poor guy." Bad move Kyonkitchi, bad move.

Arisa kicked Kyo and continued on like it was nothing. "I wouldn't say I'd marry him, but I met a guy at work I may be a little bit into." She said.

"What?" Tohru gasped.

"Well this is new." Hanachan sat back down to eat her food.

"Never to be expected." I said as I, too, sat back down. "Will you tell us what he's like?"

"He reminds me of Tohru, actually." She said as she crouched down next to Tohru and me.

"Huh, a guy reminds you of me? Like, how?" Tohru was confused.

"Sounds like the type of man I'd like to meet." Hanachan said.

"Count me in." I replied.

The rest of the day was a breeze, most classes weren't doing much since summer break was so close.

After we came home, Kyo and Tohru left to go to Sensei Kazuma's place.

I decided to go on a walk, and by myself, I wanted to clear my mind. As I was walking I saw the Sohma estate. I know it's weird and strange of me but this fact was confusing; Tohru and Kyo said they were have a lunch-dinner date with Sensei, yet I saw Sensei walking into the Sohma estate, and I'm sure Tohru wouldn't lie. So, I followed him in, making sure he didn't notice me.

Once I got past the front gate, I saw him take a turn to the right. I kept following til' I saw him enter a house. As he stepped into the house I made sure I kept track on the room he went to, but the room he did go to was the front door's room.

Great, once he leaves I'll have to be careful. This is risky business, yet I let my curiosity win me over.

I stepped near the open window that was next to the door and sat down as I listened. Elegant music was playing and I had no idea of whose house this is.

"Your grandfather was the previous bearer of the Cat spirit." The unknown guy spoke. So this person know's about the Zodiac. "I'd think you of all people would understand. The one possessed by the Cat is supposed to be confined."


"That thing is being granted unprecedented freedom now, but after graduation, all of that is going to change. They'll lock the creature up. For Good." The guy kept going, I had to cover my mouth as tears dripped. I know what that feels like, and Kyo's going to go through it? I wonder how hard it is to fill out the career papers for him... "It'll stay in that dark room on the main estate until death. Kazuma, will you help when the time comes?"

No... no... no... please no... Kazuma, he's like your son to you... or am I wrong?

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