Back to the Past

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I stood up with a smile.

"Cherry!" He came over to me and placed both hands on each of my shoulders.

"Woah, calm down." I said chuckling.

"What did you come here for? It feels like I haven't seen you in forever!" He was obviously getting a bit impatient.

Mine came over to us with a smile. "Why don't you two discuss this in the lounge. I'll bring some tea." She has the kindest heart.

"Right, sure." I started walking to the lounge and when I got inside I sat on one of the couches.

Ayame sat across from me and crossed one leg over the other.

It feels like it's been years since the last time I came. Although I can't remember the exact dates, but the time I came with Yuki and Tohru was troubling yet fun. Smiles were everywhere... not on Yuki's face though, until I did see him flirt with Tohru.

I sighed a nice and calm relaxed one, then started talking.

"So, about coming here so abruptly... I wanted to ask you something that's more like a favor, in a way." I didn't want to seem so needy but Ayame knew me, and he knew when something was bothering me.

"Go on." He said calm and collectedly, making my situation a lot easier.

I'm sure he saw that I was nervous since I was fiddling with my fingers, I just hate asking such favors.

"There's this thing at school... Parent-Teacher conferences." I managed to say part of it, now for the big question... "If you can't do this, that's totally fine, but I was wondering if you'd play the role of 'Guardian' for me?"

"Are you kidding? Of course!" His tone was obviously a happy one, you could just tell.

That's when Mine came in with a silver tray presenting tea cups and a tea pot that was steaming hot and ready to be consumed.

"What's going on with all the cheerful emotions in here?" Mine asked with a smile as she placed the tray down onto the table, then giving us each a cup.

"Oh, it's about-." I tried to say.

"Parent-Teacher conferences! And get this, Mine, she wants me to be representing as her Guardian!" Ayame said, clasping his hands together as Mine poured our tea.

"Well, I'm glad you could put trust into him, Y/n!" Mine said placing the pot back onto it's tray with the smile still plastered on her face as she sat down next to me.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" I replied.

That took me back...

When I was still very little and with Akito, Shigure, Hatori, Ayame, and Kureno knew me personally or knew about me. Kureno was the only one I didn't meet until I was a bit older. But at the time when Hatori made his visits to check up on me, he would usually leave Ayame behind after he left to go do things.

When that first started happening, we just sat in silence, and the little talking that did happen was Ayame asking questions.

"What's your name?"

No answer.

"Ok, what's your favorite color?"

No answer.

"How about your hobbies? Do you draw or even paint?"

No answer.

He left after 30 minutes, and the days went on, the same way with the Pear.


"Y'know, it's ok to feel down or scared, just know some people are trying to get to know you, like me for instance. Oh wait! I forgot to say, my name's Ayame, but my friends call me Aya. Go ahead and call me that if you'd like."

Those words hit like the sun reaching through the holes in a cave, and I could finally see.

I opened up and slowly spoke.

"I'm Y/n."

So quietly, yet, he heard me.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Y/n."

He walked over to me, knelt down, and smiled with his hand out for me to grab.

I did so and we shook hands.

After that, he was the only one I spoke to, he let me in creating a safe space for me.

After a few weeks of that, though, I finally got the courage to actually speak to Hatori, and by which he was amazed. And just like that, I met Shigure.

Things were only fun when they were around, and I'm glad I had them because if I didn't I would be even further in the ditch today.

Speaking of being in a ditch when I was younger, I'm not sure if... Yuki remembers.

One day, after I hung-out with Aya, I went walking down the hall, just to realize an opened door. My curiosity got to me and I just had to look inside.

I saw a boy, short silver hair, and such sad round eyes. He held his knees up to his chest using his arms, looking down to the floor, head still up though. He coughed a few times then it seemed like he got mad at himself for it because he started crying.

He wasn't loud, knowing the position he was in. Being loud was prohibited.

The amount of empathy I felt for him was unreal, and as I was about to approach him and talk to him, unfortunately, I heard Akito's voice coming from down the hall so I took off.

The guilt I had felt the rest of the day, and the days the followed too, was almost unbearable, but I had to act like nothing was wrong so I didn't worry Aya, Gure, or Tori. I couldn't do that to them.

After that though... I never saw Yuki again, but I didn't even know who he was, so when I saw him for the first time at Shigure's place... I felt something in my gut knot-up, like the feeling of guilt.

From what? At the time I didn't think about it, nor could I recall any past memories, but now I know.

He really is just like me...

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