Blueberry Prince

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The next day arrived like any other. Shigure had already called Hatori for a medicine shot, and because Momiji knew about Tohru being sick, he came along as well, bringing Kisa too.

I led the two upstairs to see Tohru. They came right in, and a few minutes later Hatori came with the medicine and the needle.

"Tori, you can't use a needle if it hurts Tohru!" Momiji said right as Hatori was disinfecting the area.

"Don't worry, I won't even feel it." Tohru said as she smiled.

Kisa and Momiji still were nervous for her, not sure why. "But Shi-chan said that it hurt." Momiji said. "He said that it took a bunch of times, getting poked over and over again!"

"True, but that was on purpose." Hatori said as he poked Tohru who didn't even flinch.

Shigure opened the door and fell to his knees. "You sadistic fiend. How could you be so cruel? I always knew this was your true nature."

"It's your fault for squirming like a child." Hatori placed a band-aid on the injection spot and cleaned up his stuff. He then pushed Shigure and Momiji out of the room, leaving just me and Kisa with Tohru and him. "Get out of here. Both of you. You're disturbing my patient."

He then closed the door and went rummaging through his bag.

"You're no fun, Hatori!~" Shigure sang.

"Party Pooper, Doc Tori!~" Momiji also sang.

Then they both came in together, still singing. "So sad."

That was so cute, I couldn't help but smile.

"Rest up and keep warm." Hatori said as he then closed his bag and stood up with it in hand.

"I will." Tohru started as she lied there, still a bit sick. "But one more thing. How should I pay you?"

"I hope that you get well soon. Apparently, plenty around here won't sleep well until you're back to your old self again." Hatori said as I still rested against the wall. "Call me if you need anything."

Hatori walked out.

"Maybe Uncle Hatori is one of those who are worried about you." Kisa said. Oooo! She's so cute!

"Yeah, I doubt that." Tohru said, then realizing. "Wait, he's not that old!"

"Heh, well, that's just how she refers to him." I said as I walked over to the bed and messed up Kisa's hair. She smiled as I then placed my arm around her. "Don't go digging too deep in things, Strawberry."

"Yeah." Tohru said looking to Kisa then me.

A knock came to the door.

"Come in." Tohru said as I looked back to the Blueberry who walked in.

"Sorry, have a sec?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure! Come on in." She said as he still stood behind the door but then started walking in and closing the door behind him.

"Thank you. What'd he say?" He said.

"That it isn't too serious, and I should be fully recovered soon."

"Perfect, I'm glad." Yuki held a notebook to Tohru. "Here. When you're feeling better, I can help you with them."

Tohru smiled as she took the book. "Thank you so much!"

Yuki smiled back while I took Kisa's hand and she followed me downstairs. There I pulled out a Popsicle and handed it to her.

She smiled an opened it. Awe! My heart!

Shifting Souls | Fruits Basket Story (Momiji x Y/n)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat