A Nice Mango

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Tohru sat up, properly, from my shoulder. I moved away to give us a small circle for our chat.

"So what's with Uotani and Kureno?" I asked, confused what the mischievous girl would want with him.

"Well, she's been missing a man by the name Kureno, and I though that maybe there's a chance she was talking about Kureno Sohma." Tohru folded her hands together in her lap. "I wanted to find out."

"So you're doing this for someone else?" Momiji pondered.

"No. Not like that." I could see how Tohru quivered. "I'm not doing something noble or selfless. It's for me. I decided to come because I needed to know."

"The problem is," Momiji started as Tohru looked up. "Kureno lives in the inner estate, and nobody out here sees very much of him."

"That's means getting to him could be difficult, very difficult." I shivered at the thought of Akito...

"Yeah, but now that I think of it, Y/n, that may only be true for Zodiac members." Momiji stared out his big window. "Akito told us we couldn't see him, so we just assumed no one else could either. I'll go with you."


"Count me in." I said, standing up and placing my hands in my pockets.

"No, you-." Momiji stood up too and tried to stop me.

"I'll try not to get in the way!" I snapped. "I'm done being everyone's hurdle."

I placed a hand on Momiji's shoulder and then looked to Tohru who then also stood up.

"Look, I'm just worried." I continued. "What will you do if someone sees you there, Tohru?"

"Someone like... Akito." Momiji added.

"Remember last time?" I looked down to the ground as I choked on my words. "I won't have that happen-."

"Thanks for worrying, guys. Really, I appreciate it, but I think I should go on my own." Tohru stopped me. "I've already interrupted your afternoon by coming here, so."

Tohru's chuckle wasn't enough to cure the anxiety I got, but I didn't want to just say no.

"Stay, I'll be alright." Tohru smiled at us. "You said it yourself. Kureno isn't supposed to see any of the other zodiac members."

Momiji grabbed a small piece of paper and wrote on it, then giving it to Tohru.

They were directions to where Kureno is.

"Ok, take this." Momiji said as he handed the girl his note card.

Tohru walked off as she looked down the card in her hand, figuring out where to go next, turn by turn.

"I'll be back." I told Momiji as I walked outside.

"Wait, where are you going?" The Lemon asked.

"I'm gonna talk to Kureno."

"But that's risky! What if Akito finds you?"

"I don't care, I care for Tohru right now in this moment. I want to ensure her safety-." I said as I was walking off until I got pulled on the hand.

"Then I'm coming too."

"What, no, that's ridiculous!" I tried to stop Momiji.

"No! I'm going if you go, no questions asked."

"Ok... fine." I said as I started walking off, keeping a firm grip of Momiji's hand.

As I came over to Kureno's office area, we found him in there, and we also spotted Tohru who was running off anxiously.

"Kureno!" I somewhat yelled to grab his attention.

"Y-Y/n?" Kureno asked as he came over to us.

"Tohru wants to speak to you, but right now I'm worried about who she's gonna bump into-." I told him, then getting cut off.

"Right, I'll go catch up with her." He said as he ran off.

"That was surprisingly easy." I said with a bit of shock as I then looked back to Momiji.

"We should follow." Momiji added as he tugged on my hand a bit.

I nodded as we began to keep running. How tiring this trip has come to be.

Once we got behind a gate, I waited there until we had the best possible chance to step out.

Kureno and Tohru were right there, behind the gate.

"There's people here who are worried about you." Said Kureno, and that was our queue... but who did he know we were here?

Momiji lead me to get passed the gate.

"Y/n, Momiji." Tohru whispered.

"Now, go on back." Kureno continued.

"Um, Kureno?" Tohru looked back at him as he was now behind her, getting ready to leave.

"You shouldn't be here." Kureno's soft gaze was so warming, Tohru could only listen. "It's not the place for someone like you."

I walked over to Tohru and took her hand, the Lemon still clinging to me.

As we started walking away, Kureno simply stated a 'goodbye'. When I looked back, like how Tohru was, he was already walking away.

I wonder...

Would he mind the nickname, Mango?

Shifting Souls | Fruits Basket Story (Momiji x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now