Hello Friend

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(Like always, the music above is optional but highly recommended!)

          The girl stared at me, confused. It's obvious that she didn't know who I was .

          "I'm Y/n, Sohma." I replied.

          "S-Sohma?" She said, even more puzzled.

          "Yes, and you are?" I asked, trying to be as polite as possible.

          "Kagura Sohma!" She said with a complete mood swing.

          "Right, are you a-"

          "Zodiac? Yeah, but how do you know?"

          "Same goes for me."

          "I've never seen you before-"

          "Seems like you've met Kagura." Shigure said, interrupting our conversation. C'mon man, how many times do you have to that?

          I gave him the death stare, "You'd be correct," I said while in my baby voice. "Did you want a sticker for it?"

          Kagura giggled, having found my joke to be actually funny. Then, Kyo came downstairs.

         "Kyo! You're up, did you want breakfast? Oo! Wait, or we could go get brunch and old hands and hug..." Kagura said.

          "No! For the last time, stop bothering me." Kyo said in return.

          "Simp." I said, glaring at Kagura with a sarcastic straight face, y'know, holding in laughter isn't that easy. 

          "Now now Y/n, don't joke around with young love. Isn't it just adorable." Shigure said holding up his index finger.

         "No! No, that's not what this is!" Kyo added.

          "There's a lot going on down here, huh?" Tohru said almost appearing out of no where.

          "Tohru, you're up! Did we wake you?" I said. She probably needs a bit of sleep for all the things she has to do around the house.

         "No, no! Nothing like that! You guys did nothing wrong, trust me!" She said panicking. She was the type to panic over the smallest things, apparently, coming from Kyo and Yuki, she's always been like that, ever since they first met her.

        "Alright, don't panic, there's no need to get worked up this early in the morning." I said back pointing to the table that no one seemed to have noticed.

         "Oh, you already made breakfast." Kagura said.

        "Yeah, earlier before I was cleaning up." I replied. I didn't want to be a burden so I helped out as much as possible.

        Tohru studied what I did, she was trying to figure out what zodiac I was still. "You didn't have to do that you know!" Tohru said. I giggled.

        "What's so funny?" Kyo asked me.

        "Oh it's just that she was so focused before talking. Still trying to figure it out, huh?" I asked holding in my laughter. It was honestly funny how hard she was trying, just to make a guess! "Just hug me, then you can find out!" I continued.

        "Oh, I-uh..." Tohru said, but just before she could decline, Kagura pushed her into me.

        I transformed, dark blue smoke surrounded me. Once the smoke cleared they saw me... but in a cat form. My fur was pure black, and my eye's were pure white with no pupil.

       "What?!" Kyo said freaking out.

       "Another cat?" Tohru asked along with Kagura's confused stare. 

       "No, no. It's not like that...-" I said trying to explain.

       "They're the aligning soul." Shigure said.

       "Would you let me do it for once!" I said getting upset.

       "The aligning what now?" Tohru asked.

       "They sound a lot like Kyo!" Kagura said getting excited.

       Yuki then came downstairs to see the commotion.

      "Hey, what's this cat doing here?" Yuki questioned.

      "Just watch." I said. Blue smoke once again came around me but now I was the rat.

      "Woah!" Tohru said amazed.

      Yuki's eye's widened. At this point everyone was confused. 

      "As the aligning soul, I hold everyone together but when it comes to transforming the first zodiac to pop up in my head comes out. To change it I just put all of my concentration on that animal." I said, everyone's jaws dropped, apart from Shigure. He already knew. "If I don't think of a zodiac quick enough, I just become a random one."

      "You guys can go and eat now, I'm going over here until I transform back." I continued on. Everyone sat at the table and started eating while I transformed back and got dressed.

          I came back and sat between Shigure and Tohru. This is my new life, a new beginning that could change my current day presentation of how I see the world. New...friends...

          We enjoyed ourselves, everyone did. What a great morning, set aside the bickering between Kyo and Yuki or Kagura. What's with Kyo and his non-stop angry personality, I just don't get it. The day went by fast, cleaning from me an Tohru, plus the cooking. Everyone else had their own things to do as well, including Yuki with his secret base. 

         "Y/n," Tohru started as she was peeling potatoes. "Are you going to school tomorrow, you know, with us?"

         "Yep, they are, to your school, Tohru." Shigure pointed out.

         "What!? Since when?" I asked with a surprised expression.

          "Since yesterday when you first arrived. While you had your good old fun," Shigure said in a voice that made you want to feel guilty even though you couldn't because of his stupid face. "I filled out your application. It was excepted this morning, so starting tomorrow you'll be going there."

         School will be such a disaster! How is this going to work? What if someone bumps into me, anything could happen! Or worse....Akito...finds me...

Shifting Souls | Fruits Basket Story (Momiji x Y/n)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum