I'm Hangry!

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Yuki walked back into the council room as I finished cleaning a bit. Machi had already left and I told her that I could easily finish the rest.

"Ah Yuki, hope you were able to get a good talk in." The former President, Takei, said.

"Where's Kuragi?" Yuki asked as he closed the door behind him.

"She left, went home." I said as I closed the book cabinet door and looked to Yuki.

"I'm sure you'll see her again soon." Takei said. "Those two may seem a little odd, but I assure you that they're more than qualified to sit on the student council."

Yeah, they were, but I'm already good with Machi. Seems that Yuki's friends with Kakeru anyways. We'll all be good friends, I can tell.


The next day was easy, after a bit me and Yuki headed to the Council room.

The door room then opened as me and Yuki sat at the table. The Prince Yuki fan club's here?

"Yuki! What are you doing in here?" A girl asked as she came over to Yuki.

"I had some time so I thought I'd go over the student council's yearly calendar." Yuki replied. "It's been a while, huh?"

Yuki looked at Motoko who stood at the door. Motoko was the Yuki fan club leader.

"So tell me, what bring's you here?" Yuki continued. "Can I help you with something?"

This conversation is going to be the death of me, they don't know how to communicate with Yuki without being so awkward.

"Nope, just had a question for president Takei." The girl who came with Motoko said.

"Oh, sorry Senpai. I don't know if he's going to stop by today." Yuki replied.

"That's fine, can we wait here in case he does?" She asked.

No...no...no... please no.

"Of course." Yuki went back to the calendar.

Thanks a lot Yuki.

"YEAH SO ANYWAY YUKI," Motoko started yelling, probably because she's scared to even talk to him normally. "I WAS WONDERING WHAT YOU HAD FOR BREAKFAST TODAY!"


"What did I have for... breakfast?" Yuki asked thinking about earlier this morning and what Tohru cooked for us.

"Wasn't it rice and miso soup?" I replied, thinking about it too.

"Yeah, with fish and simmered vegetables, and natto." Yuki continued.

"That's an interesting choice." The other girl said.

"But you know, I've heard that it's good for your heart and immune system and can prevent canker sores. I like the type made from ground beans." Motoko obviously ignored me.

"So do I." Yuki said with a smile.

"Alright, I'm out. Have fun Blueberry." I said jokingly to hopefully get him embarrassed.

He eye's widened and I left. That will be a fun thing to talk about.

I left and went home, since it was after school hours and about 30 minutes after arriving to Shigure's Yuki came home too. In that time, I had already changed out of my school clothes and was hanging out with Tohru.

We ate dinner and Yuki and Tohru were cleaning up dishes while I wiped the table.

"So their names are Manabe and Kuragi?" Tohru asked since we were talking about the student council.

"Yeah." I replied as I wiped down that last bit of the table.

"From what I can tell so far, they seem pretty strange." Yuki continued "And I mean Zodiac level strange.

"Hey, Yuki, don't be a downer. Sure they're strange, but I can tell you and Manabe are going to be super close in the future." I replied as I got up and threw away the dirty table wipes.

"Oh, wow." Tohru said with a smile as she wiped the plate down.

Yuki continued on. "And since I'm the president it'll be my job to keep them in line, including Y/n."

"Seems like you and Y/n will have your work cut out for you next term." Tohru stated.

"Still, I think Manabe is just looking forward to teasing me some more." Yuki went on.

"Really?" I asked as I stood against the wall to the hallway.

"But, it caught me off guard. No one's ever said anything like that to me before, so when he did, it made me feel... kind of happy. I guess." (Yuki)

I smiled.

"I think you'll enjoy it." Tohru said. "Both of you. Things will be tough sometimes, maybe even scary, but if you stick with it, I bet you'll end up with more good memories than bad ones. That's the feeling I get anyway."

"Yeah, you're right." I replied. "We'll try, right Yuki?"

"Yeah, thanks Tohru." Yuki added.


The school bell rang.

"One more thing." Ms. Shiraki said "Your career plans. Fill out those forms and get 'em turned in by the end of the week. And we'll be having parent-teacher conferences right after summer break. So don't forget to let your parent or guardian know what's up."

After she finished talking, the people in the desks near me got up and started talking as they walked over to Kyo. "Kyon Kyon, what's your plan?" They asked Kyo. "Gonna open a cat cafe? Meow."

"Just shut it. Why d'you even care anyway?" Kyo asked.

Then Arisa kicked Kyo's desk, out of nowhere. "If I don't get some food soon, there's gonna be hell to pay!" She said as she then held her stomach.

"I get that you're hungry, but why take it out on Kyon Kyon?" The boys asked.

"I'm not hungry, genius, I'm hangry!" She started. "I slept in so I didn't get any breakfast!"

"If you were a guy, I'd wipe the floor with you for pulling a stupid stunt like that. Better be grateful that you were born a chick, Gangster Girl." Kyo stated as anger filled his eye's.

"No matter how pissed of you are, I know you wouldn't hurt a girl, dumbass! That's why I did it." Arisa replied.

Tohru went next to them hesitantly, "Hey guys. Lunchtime." She said as her voice shook and she held her bag. "It's lunchtime..."

Shifting Souls | Fruits Basket Story (Momiji x Y/n)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt