I Feel Pretty

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Yesterday was a relief, especially after everyone was just glad I was back. Haru's hug surprised me though.

After it he just wouldn't stop talking to me, and if anything, him and Momiji were always at my back and call, even if that meant they had to skip class. Neither of them cared, but I did. I had to keep telling them to get back to class and to stop worrying, it was nice of them though.

I woke up in a room I felt safe in, and as I got up and out of my futon, I could hear pots and pans as well as the boiling and popping sounds of water and oil. It was a sound of security, something that I'm glad I could have.

I got changed into clothes that weren't fit for our trip today, and since my other dress was gone, I had to go get one.

It was incredibly early, but I had time.

I traveled down the stairs, to the kitchen to inform Tohru.

"Morning!" I smiled.

Yuki was sitting down reading while Tohru cooked.

"Morning!" Tohru rung back to me.

Yuki smiled a bright smile towards me, and I did the same.

"So, the dress that I wore last time has disappeared." I sighed. "But since I woke up earlier than expected I thought that I might as well go get one."

"Ok, just be safe!" Tohru smiled at me.

"I'm going with you." Yuki sprung up from the table.

"No, Yuki, relax." I replied.

"What if something happens?"

"Nothing will."

"Something will."

"Do you not trust me?"

"I do, I just want you to be safe. What if no one's there?"

"I'm going to Ayame's shop."

"I don't care."

Damn, I thought that would for sure work.

"Yuki, you're not going-."

"Yuki, leave the poor girl alone." Shigure came out of his den, interrupting Yuki and fanning his fan.

"Yeah but-."

"No buts, if she says she can keep herself safe, then I trust her." Shigure closed the fan. "Go ahead and go before you run out of time. Call the home phone if anything happens."

"Right, thank you." I smiled and left the room, getting my shoes on by the door, then leaving.

It was a peaceful walk, nothing to be excited about. As I walked to the shop, I remembered how Shigure was talking about basically everyone.

Hatori had told him that pretty much everyone tried to come see me because they were all worried.

It was a shocking conversation, knowing that everyone worried for me that much.

I was thinking that after Tohru's event, I would go visit them. Even if that means going into the Sohma Estate.

I'll just let Momiji know ahead of time, he can help me.

I arrived at the shop, and that feeling of anxiety rushed back. I wish I could just not worry, but that's honestly really hard.

I took a deep breath in, opened the door and the shop-welcoming bell rang.

"Welcome, how may I-." Mine was quite surprised. "Y/n!"

She ran over to me and held my hands, "I heard some of what happened, my dear, are you ok?"

"Yes, yes, I'm fine." I smiled.

"Cherry..." I heard a mutter come from a familiar voice. "Thank god you're alright!"

Ayame rushed over to me with a smile, they were both excited.

"What brings you here?" The Pear asked.

"I need an outfit, I don't care what design, just something black." I requested.

"Oh my, well of course, how soon do you need it?" Aya asked.

"I need it soon, so if you have anything pre-made that would be nice."

"Mine, mind bringing her back with you? I would like to give you the honors."

"How sweet of you, of course!"

Mine took my hand with one swift movement and dragged me to the backroom with all the pre-made designs.

"Take a look, I don't mind how long." Mine smiled as she took out every piece of black clothing they had. "Any of these would look great, would you like me to do your hair? Makeup?"

"Do whatever, I don't mind." I smiled.

These outfits were so unique, but I didn't want anything too flashy, and I found 2 that were just perfect, and it was a hard choice. The one I did finally choose was just a basic black dress that fell just above my knees. It was like a tank-top on the upper part, but the straps had a twisted-like style with bows attached.

"What a lovely choice!" Mine smiled as she then sat me down to do my hair. "Your hair has gotten long, are you going to keep it that way?"

"I'm not sure, it is a hassle though." I giggled.

"I bet." She laughed too as she pulled my hair into a half-up half-down style.

When she finished, she left the room so I could get into the dress and once I was done, I looked in the mirror.

I felt... pretty.

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