Night Light

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Sensei was invited in and Kyo and Tohru went in as well. I was still in my school clothes so I went upstairs to change. When I came down, everyone was talking, Kazuma with Yuki.

Then Sensei looked to me. "Y/n?" He asked, not sure if it was me.

"Sensei, yes it's me!" I said as I ran over to him and sat down next to him, tears falling as I remembered the warmth and happiness he gave me.

"Oh, Tohru. This is Kazuma Sohma, he's the Martial arts teacher for the family. He's taught Yuki, Kagura, and Kyo. I'm not sure about Y/n, but she seems to know him." Shigure said with a smile.

"Yes, I do!" I said, with a huge smile.

"Yeah, she was just a little thing. You've grown Y/n." He said, looking to me.

"Do you mind if I call you Tohru?" He said as he looked to her.

"Oh, yes, please do!" Tohru said she was a little hesitant, but I just turned to her with a smile.

After a bit, Kazuma and Shigure went upstairs to talk.

"Will Sensei be staying the night?" Kagura asked as she got her apron on, Tohru did the same.

"I wonder..." I said as I looked to Kagura.

"Me too." Kagura said back.

"Where could we place his futon? Shigure's room?" Tohru asked as she prepared plates.

"No." Yuki said as he opened the door to Shigure's mess of a room.

"Well then, I guess Kyo and Sensei will have to bunk together, let me go ask him!" Kagura said as she ran upstairs.

"No! Come back here!" Kyo yelled to Kagura, she didn't listen.

"Wait let me come with you!" I said as I caught up to her.

"We're going to ask Sensei." Kagure chanted over and over, until we got to the door of the outside porch.

"Today's the day, I'm taking it off." Sensei said from outside as we looked out the small squat window to the door.

Kagura took my hands.

"Y/n, look, there's something about Kyo that you don't know about." She whispered. "If he invites you, stay calm, please."

"What?" I was so confused...

"Let's just go back downstairs, and don't speak of this, I'll let Yuki know."

Know what? What's going on?

We came downstairs and I quickly pushed it to the back of my mind.

Kazuma then came down to Tohru and I talking. "Tohru, Y/n, do you have time to have a chat outside?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure." Tohru said.

He invited me... to chat... outside?

"Mhm." I said with a smile.

Later, Tohru and I walked outside with our umbrella's to find Kyo getting held at the hand by Sensei.

"Don't look!" Kyo yelled towards us as his bracelet was pulled off.

Right then and there, Kyo was something completely different. A monster form that smelt like something rotten. He jumped away in fright and ran.

"Is it scary? Seeing who he actually is." Sensei said to Tohru and I.

I kept a straight while Tohru was shocked, but she went in the same direction as him.

Kazuma picked up the bracelet that had fallen to the ground. "Will you run to him... or from him?" He asked himself in a way to ask Tohru, but she had already left.

"To him... She'll run to him." I said, making Sensei look back to me. "I know her, she's the kind of person to help not hurt. She is scared, I can tell, but she won't let those feelings stop her because she know's that if she let Kyo leave, he may never come back."

It doesn't scare me, I know about the stories of the cat spirit. It never once came to me that it was real, but now that I've witnessed it myself, I understand.

His pain, aggravation, fear, I understand. He was holding back from Tohru so that she wasn't scared, but yet he never thought about when she would see this form.

Less than an hour had passed of us standing there, waiting. The sun finally showed through the clouds. I let my umbrella down from above me and closed it, and when I looked back up, there they were. Tohru stood there, holding Kyo's cat form who looked fast asleep.

I walked to Sensei. "Tohru is special. Not just to me, but to Kyo, even Yuki, as well. I'm sure she's special to the others too, but that's not the point. She's kind." I walked away from him and went inside.

Tohru followed me in and placed Kyo in bed since he had fallen asleep in her arms.


It was now morning, Kazuma was already downstairs by the time I came down with Tohru, who followed behind me.

"Ah, Y/n, Tohru. I'll be leaving soon, make sure to keep an eye on that pesky Kyo." Sensei told us as we came down.

"Aw, already?" I said with a pout.

"Yes, I'm sure you can make it through without me around kiddo." He replied with a smile as he messed up my hair.

"Is that why you say kiddo, Y/n?" Tohru asked with a smile.

"You say kiddo?" Kazuma asked.

"Oh! Uhh, yeah." I said scratching the back of my head.

He smiled and looked to me. "Stay bright, Y/n."

Warm memories graced my mind with such light as a smile came forward.

"You have nothing to worry about. Thank you, Sensei." I said as he smiled back and started leaving.

"Wait! Do you mind if I walk with you?" Tohru asked.

"Sure but, let's just go half-way." Kazuma said. They both left and I sat down outside on the porch waving him goodbye.

I let myself relax, sitting there. Yuki came over and sat next to me.

I felt dizzy, for some odd reason. Maybe the cold rain last night got to me?

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