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Momiji tugged on my arm gently, and with a smile he hugged me.

He was being quite clingy since I got back, but I was too, to be honest.

It was cute.

The doorknob clicked, signaling that someone was walking in. Right as I heard that sound, I jumped and quickly hid behind Momiji.

"Oh, hey Yuki, you're early-." Kakeru stated, then slowly drifting as he saw Momiji.

Given that, he probably saw me behind Momiji.

"Who are they?" Kakeru questioned.

"Well, you know one of them, the other is Momiji."

"Oh, I know Momiji, your little cuz, right?"


"Kimi wants to know who the other one is." Kimi excitedly said.

"Machi's wondering if they're ok." Kakeru said for Machi since she probably whispered that to him.

"I'm not sure." Yuki replied.

Momiji turned out to the side to show everyone.

I noticed his movement and stood up straight, eyes tightly closed.

"Y/n!" Kakeru's voice was full of excitement, nothing else.

I opened my eyes and forced a smile through my nervous tears.

"Pixie!" I heard from Kimi.

Machi walked over to me, I could tell that she just wanted to hug me, and I wish I could too.

"Angel, I- uh, we were so worried." Her soft voice was like serotonin. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah." I struggled to say.

"That doesn't seem ok."

"No, no, I'm ok, really." I tried to reassure her.

"Y/n, don't stress about anything, we're just glad you're back. It's been quite the ride without you." Kakeru said with a huge smile.

And that's when one person walked in late.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. Look it was just-." He froze at the sight.

"Hey short stack." I smiled.

"First of all, don't use that name, second of all, YOU'RE BACK?!" The pure sight of confusion was literally amazing. "Why on a Friday; is my question."

"Why not?"

"Because it's the end of the week, it makes no sense."

"Stop being such a stickler, she's here, that's all that matters Noahito." Kakeru replied, pulling on short stack's hair.

And just like that, the school day started going faster. Once the morning student council duties were done, I went to class.

I couldn't wait to see Uochan and Hanachan, yet I was still a bit shaky about it.

I took a deep breath in as I opened the door, my eye's immediately trailing to the ground.

Yuki was called to a different class due to his presidency, so when I felt a hand grab mine I was confused.

I looked over to see Momiji.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, whispering. Everyone was talking to each other, it seemed like it was a class break. "Don't you have class?"

"Yeah, but not to worry, I asked to use the restroom." He said with a dumb smile.

"You have to go back; you can't just say that then go to a different classroom!" My whispers were quite loud.

"Don't worry about me, you should worry about yourself." Momiji looked more concerned than me now.

I sighed as I turned around and was about to walk forward, but I couldn't even move. My body stopped me, and I stood there struggling, looking at the ground. That's when Momiji started walking ahead of me, still holding my hand, and basically pulled me around with him.

"Oh, hey Momiji, Y-." Tohru spoke, then getting cut off by Kyo.

"Don't just shout it out like that." Kyo snickered in a nice way. "Hey weirdos."

"What do you want kitten whiskers?" Uochan snickered back. "Stop calling us that-."

She stopped herself, and when I looked up just enough to see, she tapped on Hanachan's shoulder.

"Y/n?" They asked, almost in unison.

"Ja!" Momiji answered for me.

"Hey, not fair!" I pushed him in a playful way, while the others laughed too, apart from Kyo of course.

This small interaction made things better, and honestly Momiji is who I give most of my thanks to, as well as Yuki.

"We're all just glad you're back." Is what I heard from everyone, who I knew previously, throughout the day, even my fan-club said that.

They were still all over me, and the more I went down hallways, the more posters I saw of me, saying stuff like, 'She will return!' or 'We will wait!'. I'm sorry, but it was honestly embarrassing walking through the halls with that stuff around.

There was this time where I saw Hatsuharu in the halls near his class, but I was with my student council group so I couldn't entirely back away. I tried to keep a low-profile, looking to the ground, not talking, he still saw me.

Almost right away after seeing me, he ran up to hug me.

"Hey! She doesn't like hugs-." Kakeru tried to say.

"Haru, not here." Yuki spoke up over the blackberry.

I hugged the coconut back quickly, then pulled away acting as if I didn't want the hug... it was very strange. He is one to worry, but to come back with a hug from him was quite unsusual.

Sometimes I forget how close I got with everyone.

Shifting Souls | Fruits Basket Story (Momiji x Y/n)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora