Pathetic Monster

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(I, personally,  would read this story with the beautiful music provided above to set the mood, but in any case it's all up to you!)        

          My childhood was rough. Most things that I think are based off of Akito's words from the past. Those words dig into your skin like a knife piercing through someone's insides. When I was around the age of 9, my parents got rid of me for the god's purposes, who was only 14 at the time. People thought I was lucky, and that's what I thought at first until things started to happen.

          "You're nothing but a worthless being," Akito said brushing through my (Hair Color) hair with their fingers. "I bet if you weren't born, things would have been so much more better for the Sohma family all together."

          I looked down staring at my shaky palms, hopelessly trying to forgot those awful things. What kind of cold hearted person could say such a thing?

          "Oh, don't go silent on me now, the fun's only beginning!" Akito said then yanking at the one strand of hair in their hands.

          A tall, slender man, opened the doors, then stepped away from the dark shadows of the hallway revealing himself.

          "Hatori, how nice of you to join us." Akito said, letting go of my hair and getting up to greet the Sohma family doctor.

          "There's dinner on the table, come down and eat." Hatori replied to Akito's greeting.

          "Sure thing," Akito mumbled. "You did remember to invite Shigure, correct?"

          "Yes I did." Hatori said, while simply looking at Akito with his straight face.

          Akito left the room, and once they were down the hall a bit, Hatori closed the door and came over to me.

          "Did Akito hurt you at all." Hatori questioned me. He always had a straight face and a monotone voice.

          "No," I stumbled to continue on and find the right words. "Hatori!"

          I grabbed onto his shirt just as he was about to leave. He glared down at me as if I was some homeless freak trying to get money off of him.

          "Please, Hatori, help me. I need to get out of here." I asked, soon looking down to the ground with tears in my eyes. "I can't stay here any longer. The darkness is tearing me up from the inside out!" 

          Hatori pulled his arm away from me, then made his way down the hall without a word. I wanted to leave this dark place, I wanted to leave what I once thought was a bastion of peace and security.

          Later that evening, I was greeted by Shigure. One of the few people I knew, other than Akito. Him, Hatori, and Ayame have been such great friends ever since they first met at the Sohma estate. They became friends with me a while after being cooped up, I'm now 15. I wasn't allowed to go to school, instead I was online, getting taught by teachers at the house.

          "So, you want to leave?" Shigure said while slowly making his way over to me and sitting down. 

          "Yes, please! I beg of you!" I replied quickly, without a thought.

          "You've never been this persistent." Shigure continued. "If we continue through with this plan, you will be punished if Akito ever finds you. They will and won't ever give you permission, but it's now or never."

          I looked up at him, astounded by his kindness.

          "Please! Do it for me Shigure!" I said, clasping my hands together and pleadingly shaking them back and forth.

          He nodded his head in a way to say 'Sure thing, now let's get a move on.' while walking down the hall. The time was about 8pm, the time when Akito leaves for their nightly walk.

          We made our escape, feeling the nice cool wind on my face and neck was refreshing. We walked and talked for a bit, talking about stupid stuff to catch up what's been happening in our separate lives, until we came upon Shigure's home.

          "So this is your place?" I asked, not sure whether to be proud or annoyed.

          Look, I love Shigure dearly, but here's the thing, for him to be on his own and his house to be spik-and-span could not and would not blend correctly in my head. I've always known him as the lazy type, someone too low on energy to find a good place to start picking up after themselves. 

          It was dark yet, the moon lit up the sky in such beauty. Shigure opened the door and let me in. 

          "Wow, this is pretty nice." I said in awe.

          "Currently any and all available rooms are occupied, so," He said carrying the 'so' for a bit. "Tohru! I have someone for you to meet!" 

          Tohru? Who is that? What am I supposed to do? If they hug me my true form comes out, they may not know about the zodiac!

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