When Memories Hit

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Kyo walked away from the group to go near a tree, I followed.

"Y/n, where are you headed?" Hanachan asked me.

"Kyo just started walking off, come if you'd like." I replied. "I'll be talking some sense into that idiot."

Hanachan nodded once and followed me.

"Oh not good." I could hear Tohru from behind us. "I messed up the arrangement."

"Give 'em here, Prince, you hold these." Arisa said, what a bunch of goofballs.

Seem's that Kyo knew we were behind him as he stood, looking out to the world below him near the fence. "Hey I was wondering..." Saki replied in hum. "Can you, uh, see ghosts and stuff like that? Like are there any here now?"

"I'd need spiritual power, and I don't possess that." Hanachan replied. I wonder why he was asking that...

"What? But that weird wave stuff-." Kyo said getting cut off.

"Didn't you know?" I said happy to be cutting him off. "Waves and spiritual power are completely different."

"You mustn't confuse them." Hanachan continued. "When I say I sense waves, I basically mean human thoughts. Think of them as words that pass from brain to brain. With no sounds required."

"I already regret asking." Kyo mumbled.

"Tell us something, Kyo." I said cutting off his mumbling. "Why the sudden interest?"

"No real reason, I was just wondering." Kyo said with a more sad tone. What hit his brain?

"Think of it this way. Living humans are stronger than the dead." Hanachan started. "The waves of those who've left us are most likely very weak, so they end up being drowned out by those who still feel the light of the sun on their face. The dead can't be heard. It's interesting, right now it feels as though your waves are screaming at me. Why is it that this graveyard fills you with such chaos?"

Kyo looked up, wide eye'd. I'm not sure why, but something struck him. I placed a hand on Hanachan's shoulder, a way to say 'You should probably stop', but she didn't.

"And guilt." She continued on, and her vale came flying off due to the wind. 

Kyo looked back towards us, in... fright.

"Hey you guys." Tohru said beside us. I took my hand down from Hanachan's shoulder. "I hope I'm not interupting."

"No, you're good." Kyo said, losing the emotions from earlier. 

"Indeed." Saki said along side of me nodding my head with a smile and closed eyes.

"In that case, please come with me." Tohru began walking back over to the grave grabbing a hold of Kyo's arm on the way and we followed behind. "We're all set up now!"

We arrived to a blanket on the ground and foods placed on it.

"Ooo! A picnic, sounds wonderful!" I said, clasping my hands together and sitting down.

"You shouldn't have a picnic in a damn cemetery!" Kyo abruptly spat at us.

"Huh?" Arisa questioned.

"Ay! Get a grip loser, the rowdier we are-" I spat back at him.

"The happier Kyoko is!" Uochan and I chimed together, laughing afterwards. 

Even though I never really knew Tohru's mom, I could tell what kind of person she was like. By the way Uochan describes her, and how Tohru describes her, I can tell that she was kind and caring but of course she loved a bit of chaos every so often.

"And what do we do if the priest see's us?" Kyo questioned.

"We'll just apologize, chill out." Uochan continued. "Will you sit down already? I can't relax with you hovering over me."

"Ugh, fine." Kyo started sitting down now. Finally! "Here, you happy?"

"Hungry?" Tohru asked sincerely. "What would you like me to get you to eat first?"

"Whatever." Kyo said with his eye's closed and arms crossed.

"Kay!" Tohru replied with a smile as she took a pair of chopsticks and grabbed some sushi balls, handing the plate and chopsticks over to Kyon.

"From what I can tell, it sounds like you were both close with Miss Honda's mother." Yuki said towards Hanachan and Uochan.

"Yeah, she was real good to us." Arisa started. "Plus, such a big deal that I looked up to her before ever meeting her in person."

"A big deal?" Yuki questioned, confused as always.

"Do you not listen?" Uochan blabbered at Yuki. Yuki's smart, school wise, but sometimes he loses a few brain cells. "She was the legendary Crimson Butterfly! They say, whenever she rode her motorcycle, the red tail lights looked like wings fluttering in the wind."

After a bit of eating and talking, avoiding any kind of word fight with Yuki and Kyo, or Kyo and Arisa, me included. 

Soonly, after some time passed, we cleaned up and headed out. Arisa waved us goodbye, and I did the same as we started walking back to Shigure's.

"I don't know that there's anything more refreshing than a cup of tea after a long day." Tohru said to me as we sat on the porch holding cups of tea in our hands.

"I feel you on that one." I said with a relaxing sigh, taking a sip of tea afterwords. 

"I had such a fun time visiting the grave earlier. And I'm so glad I finally got to introduce you, Yuki, and Kyo to my mother." Tohru brightly smiled towards the sky then me, and I did the same.

I had later, in the afternoon, told Tohru I was going to our room, she nodded as I left. 

"The breeze must of knocked these down." I heard from out in the hallway. It was Yuki.

"Oh sorry, must've forgotten to shut the door!" I said running over to help pick the papers up.

"It's ok, just make sure to keep an eye on that." Yuki smiled and kept picking up papers.

"Roger that!" I said and chuckled. Yuki caught his eye on something.

"A hat?" He asked.

"Yeah, think so." I said as I turned around to look. Yuki gasped. "Hey, you ok?"

He wouldn't answer me and another breeze blew in, pushing the paper's that weren't already picked up to blow around again. I scurried to pick them up from around the halls. 

"Yuki?" I questioned again as I walked into the room and placed the papers down and closing the window. I picked up the hat and called for him again.

"Uh, yeah, sorry." Yuki said hesitantly.

"You alright?" I said genuinely confused, what's with that hat?

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He said as he placed the paper's down and walked off.

I let, whatever just happened, go and walked downstairs to get some water.

"I'm sorry." I heard someone whisper. 

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