Fruits Fruits and More Fruits

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"Uhm hello Ayame. It's nice-." Tohru said while Yuki jumped in front of her and cut her off.

"Stand back." He said.

"What's the big deal about Aya?" I questioned unsure of what their relationship may be.

"Just stay back!" Kyo said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me back behind him. Me and Tohru looked at each other confused.

"I do not trust this Viper." Yuki added.

I pulled Kyo's arms down. "What in the hell is going on? Seriously." I walked over to Aya and stood by him. "What did he do to you?"

"Well thank you, cherry. No doubt the mere sight of me has taken your breath away, but please calm yourselves." Aya stated.

Kyo and Yuki looked at Aya with a confused look and both, together, said, "Cherry?"

"Yeah that's my nickname. Why do think I started calling you guy's by the names of fruits?" I said.

"So that's why you call me strawberry! Aww cute!" Tohru said happily clapping her hands together.

"Wait, you gave them fruit nicknames too? How exciting!" Aya said proudly. "Did you think of something for Yuki?"

You could hear Yuki saying 'No' over and over again as I spoke. "Blueberry."

"Yes! That fits perfectly!" Ayame said excitedly.

"Kyo is an Orange, just so you know." I said proudly. "I can tell you more about it later."

"Anywho, I came out here on important business, thanks to a certain interested party." Ayame continued.

"But who would... you!" Kyo and Yuki pointed to Shigure after saying those words... poor Gure.

"Ah- what? It wasn't me!" Shigure said shakily.

"Don't fear my darlings. Should the world turn on you, I will remain ever at your sides, steadfast and true!" Aya said towards Shigure. "Je t'aime, mon amour. Bon Voyage!"

"Aya! You're the only one I can depend on! Annyeong hasimnikka!" Shigure said back while giving Aya a high-five.

"Will you quit screwin' around and tell us what the heck you're doing here?!" Kyo said instantly mad.

"Now, now. No reason to get testy. In the words of William Shakespeare, 'Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none'." Aya said flipping his long white hair back off his shoulder.

"Ok, your point?" Yuki asked.

"It's such a great line." Aya said in reply.

"You just wanted to say it?" Yuki and Kyo spat.

"I'm tired, just seeing you is exhausting." Kyo said rubbing his eye's. "Go home! There's no reason for you to be here!"

"How rude!" I said to Kyo. "You'd be messing with the wrong people."

I punched my open hand and held it.

"Behold my reason!" Aya said stepping in front of me so I didn't cause trouble. He went over to Yuki and clenched his hands in his own. "Yuki, today we will deepen our brotherly bond!"

"B-brotherly?" I asked, blinking twice.

"I'll drown you in the lake before that happens." Yuki said to Aya.

"You see Y/n. Aya and Yuki are brothers of blood." Shigure said with a sigh.

"What!?" I said confused while Yuki and Aya still spoke back and forth. 

Then Hatori hit Ayame with a book on the back of the head gently. "What have I told you, Aya, about not making a nuisance of yourself?"

"Well hello there Tori!" Ayame said with a smile.

"Oh sorry, did we wake you, Hatori?" Tohru asked politely.

"I don't know anybody who could sleep through all of that yelling." Hatori replied.

"Sorry to ruin your beauty sleep doc." Shigure said.

"Had i known you were sleeping, I would've stayed quiet!" Aya said placing his hands on his hips. Hatori just placed his hand on his head and walked over to Shigure, sitting down next to him on a wooden chair.

"Well, what brings you to the lake house?" Hatori asked.

"Oh! Simple really. I went to the main estate, where I spoke to a maid, who is 53 years old, and she'd told me that you've gone to the cabin. I immediately decided to join you here." Aya said, lifting his index finger to over exaggerate like one does. "I got in the car and the rest is history."

"Y/n, Yuki, Kyo. You should be going shouldn't you? Didn't you have plans to take Honda to the lake today?" Hatori asked in which he the replies of several yes's.

"Is that true? The you had best make haste!" Aya said. "Especially Yuki and Kyo. You are escorting two beautiful young ladies, you should never keep a women waiting. I don't know why you're not already gone."

"Right!" Tohru said hesitantly.

"Well we've got our things so we should be going now!" I said grabbing a bag that was placed next to the back door while everyone, except for Aya, Tori, Gure, and I, exited. "Hope to see you later Pear!"

I closed the door behind me to see Yuki starring at me strangely.

"Did you just call him... 'Pear'?" Yuki puzzled.

"Yeah?" I said. "Get used to it, I'm calling you all by your nicknames from now on, got it?"

"Yep!" Tohru said while Yuki looked away annoyed, same with Kyo.

"Wanna know everyone else's, that I've met, is?" I asked Tohru as we walked side by side.

"I would love to!" She said excitedly.

While we walked to the pond I told her how I though Hatsu would fit a Coconut perfectly, along with Kagura who is the Watermelon. I also said Shigure is the Pomegranate, and Hatori is a Taro. She agreed with me on those!

"Can I call you Cherry?" She asked.

"Sure thing I don't mind!" I said back.

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