Easy Does It

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"Tori say's it's phsycological. She's locked her words up inside." Hatsuharu stated. "With everything that's happened, she stopped talking, stopped going to school, then today, she ran away from home. That's why I was searching for her, but I didn't expect to see her in Tiger form."

"Oh no, did she bump into someone the opposite sex?" Tohru asked.

"I think she was just tired, I mean who know's for sure, but guessing how much she was walking around or even running." I said, reassuring Tohru. "If she did, that would be quite the disaster."

"So... what do you think made her stop talking and leave school?" Yuki asked as I let go of his head. I walked over and sitting next to Tohru.

"Kids." The Coconut said.

"Kids?" Tohru questioned.

I felt that, when I was younger I was bullied... by Akito 24/7 now that I look back at it. I brought my knee's to my chest and placed my head down, wrapping my arms around as well.

"Bullies." Hatsu continued.

I couldn't stop thinking about bad memories. I felt so bad for Kisa.

'Curl up and hide.' I always told myself in those kinds of moments, that's why sitting like this in any situation makes me... comfortable.

I looked up because of the commotion, only to see Kisa biting Haru's arm.

"That hurts." Hatsuharu said, calmly. "What, are you pissed at me? Telling me not to shoot my mouth off? Well, sorry, that's too bad. You have any idea how worried I've been about you? And I'm not the only one. Your mom's been looking all over for you, too."

Kisa started running out the door of the house, making Tohru freak out as always, but even more this time due to 2 problems. Blood, or runner.

"Tohru, calm down!" Shigure said as Tohru decided to run after Kisa.

"Maybe you should start giving a crap." Hatsu said to Shigure as he checked out his bite mark.

"Oh my, did you turn into dark Haru while I wasn't looking?" Shigure asked as he came next to me, but in front of Haru.

"No, just not a fan of Tiger bites." Haru replied. "Just wish I knew what to do with her."

"I understand what she's going through, but I won't be much help on this one." I stated. "Yuki, you should go after Tohru and make sure that she find's Kisa and doesn't get lost herself."

"Yeah, good idea." Yuki said getting up and taking off after Tohru.

Once Yuki left Haru sat back down next to me, I was looking down at my hands. "Y'know, you and Yuki are alike."

"Hm?" I replied.

"Yeah, when Yuki shut down. You were just like him, Y/n. Muted, scared, locked up in only your mind." He said.

My eye's widened, remembering what happened.

"Dammit! Sorry, I didn't mean to trigger anything!" Haru said as he pulled me into his chest for a hug.

I was in complete shock, I couldn't help it. The things that happened, the things they said.

I closed my eye's and wrapped my arms around Haru's neck, in fear.

I now figured out that I can be triggered easily, not a great thing but I'll learn to pull it together in a few weeks.


"What? Kisa's staying here?" Kyo questioned.

"She's had a difficult time, Orange." I replied.

"Yep, that's why I think a change of scenery would be best for her." Shigure continued.

"Why, what's going on?" Kyo stood there hand in pocket as he held the milk carton in the other.

"It can't hurt." Haru said reading this weeks magazine. "Seems that her mom's also had it rough and was at the end of her rope too. Spending some time apart might help them heal."

"I have no clue what you're talking about." Kyo stated. Geez, does he ever listen? "Ok, so where is Kisa?"

"She's with Tohru, stuck to her like glue. Almost like a duckling following their mother." I replied, head resting in hand.

"Huh?" Kyo questioned.

"You couldn't be dumber." I said with a sigh.

"Oh you wanna go there?!" Kyo got rowdier.

"Nah, your just a kitten." I smirked, how could I not?



Tohru came down stairs with Kisa, stuck to her side. It's been 3 days, and that kiddo has most definitely made up her mind about Tohru. Following her everywhere.

"Like I said before, cute lil' duckling." I said as I saw those two walk by into the kitchen to clean the dishes.

"You're absolutely right, warms my heart." Shigure proclaimed.

"It's gotta be super annoying though, right?" Kyo lifted his head from his hand.

All of a sudden, Tohru hugged Kisa. "Agh! I love you!" She said.

She's not wrong, I understand how she feels, I mean look how cute she is!

"She seems happy to me." Shigure stated the obvious.

"Maybe I'm missing something." Kyo scratched the back of his head. "Hey! What's for dinner?"

"Oh! One sec." Tohru let go of the hug. "Kisa, is there anything special you'd like to eat?"

"C'mon. You could at least tell us what you want so you don't starve." Kyo aggravates me!

I took the magazine in my hands and hit Kyo with it, he didn't even see that coming.

"Hey!" Kyo rubbed his now red arm.

"That's what you get loser." I turned my focus to Kisa. "Take your time kiddo, and don't pay any mind to him. He's just an idiotic, poor-mannered fool."

I smiled to let her know that she's safe. I then got up and walked behind Kyo.

"What are you-?" He said right before I started pulling on his hair. "Hey! Ow, that hurts you nut job!"

"What was that?" I asked pulling harder on his hair.

"Nothing! It was nothing, I'm sorry, alright?"


Tohru started humming and writing something down on a piece of paper. I let go of the Orange's hair and sat back down, where I was originally.

"Ta-da! Let's play a game." Tohru now held that piece of paper to Kisa's face.

"Ah, interesting. Dinner will be up to chance." Shigure explained.

The paper had 3 symbols, all connection to one line that went to the bottom of the paper.

"Yep!" Tohru was excited. "Kisa, point to the route you want!"

Kisa pointed to number 3's route. Tohru, running to the table, smiled. She sat down between Kyo and I to follow the route. She sang a little song along the lines of 'What are we gonna eat?' and 'Bet it's something good.' Of course Kyo questioned her. I just brought my hand behind Tohru and smacked him on the head.

It lead to... Eggs and Chives!

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