I Thought You Were Tired

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The next day happened, pure usual, but that night we got a phone call and Tohru went to go pick up the phone.

I heard all the hello's but then a sudden gasp.

"Grandpa collapsed?!" Tohru became worried. "That's terrible! What happened? Is he gonna be ok?"

After a bit of a wait, Tohru said, "Oh, so then, he'll recover?"

Their conversation continued, when I got a tap on my shoulder from Yuki.

Kyo wasn't with us at the time.

Then Shigure walked over to Tohru.

"What is it, Blueberry?" I asked confused.

"Have you thought about the conferences?" He said, helping me remember the mess of a situation I'm in.

"Right, no I have not." I replied looking down to my hands as there were entwined and in my lap.

"You'll have to find someone." Yuki placed a hand on my head.

"I know, I'll think about it." I replied with a smile as I looked to him.

I had an idea, but if I told Yuki, he'd blow a fuse.

You probably know by now that my idea was Ayame, I'm sure he'd be willing to come anyways.

Then we both saw Tohru step away from Shigure who had taken her phone call into his own hands.

"Your grandpa... will he be ok?" Yuki questioned the brunette as we both walked over to her.

"Oh, yes, he just strained his back and will need time to recover." Tohru replied.

"Ok, goodbye now." Shigure then placed the phone down.

"Ay! Don't just hang-up on someone else's phone call!" I got angry with Shigure.

His lame excuse was, "Everything's all set, so what's left to say?"

Uhm, goodbye's and checks to make sure, but ok smarty pants.

"Now, good news. Tohru, you can go visit your grandfather tomorrow." He enfolded his arms together.

"Ok, thanks!" She was still unsure of what to do, her expression explained that much.

"As for the parent-teacher conference." Oh great, I'd just love to see what he has in store... "I shall be playing the role of 'guardian'."

I'm so sorry Tohru. It must be rough, dealing with him.

"You, huh? Right, because what could go wrong with that?" Yuki said, sarcastically of course.

"Wait, what? But I thought it was a brilliant idea." Shigure pouted. "You don't want me to come?"

"No! I mean, I would've never asked you to go to so much trouble just for me. I'm sure you're way to busy to come up to the school for something like this." There goes panicky-Tohru.

Like her usual self, I mean, it's to be expected. The situation is very tense and overwhelming, yet, I feel at peace. Not that her panicking is soothing! Just that, I'm glad to be back in a place where everything that's done is to be expected since I've developed such good relationships with everyone. Like seriously, I feel comfortable with everyone!

"It's no trouble." Shigure slightly chuckled. "Don't worry your pretty head about it."


Y'know, it's easy to say that Gure only has a way with words in his writing... not when it comes to a real-life conversation.

"Anyway, your Aunt and I decided this would be for the best." Shigure added and smiled that cheeky smile of his. "So what do you think of our little plan? Sound good?"

"Yes it sounds wonderful, thank you!" Tohru replied, bowing.

Shigure is the LAST person she should ever bow to...

Just then the front doors opened revealing Kyo.

"And the cat decides to come home for its' food." I chuckled as I crossed my arms.

"Don't test me." The Orange glared at me, dead in the eye.

"Woah, chill." I covered my mouth with my hand as I laughed a bit.

Seeing him with the look of 'I will kill you, no hesitation' was just so funny to me.

"So, what's with the group meeting in the middle of the hallway?" Kyo continued as he slipped his shoes off.

"Talking about parent-teacher conferences. Tohru's grandfather would've went but he strained his back." Shigure answered.

"Shigure volunteered to to step in since grandpa couldn't make it." Tohru smiled as she held her hands together.

Tohru again made sure Shigure was completely up for it, of course he said yes too.

"Right then, I'll be upstairs." I said as I went to the staircase.

"Same, night." Kyon said following behind me up the stairs.

"Oh, night!" Tohru cheerfully said as she continued to talk to the others.

Kyo's POV:

As both Y/n and I got to the top of the staircase, she started heading towards the balcony instead of her and Tohrus' room.

I stopped and looked to her as she opened the door.

"Where are you going?" I said and she turned her head to look at me. "Isn't it a bit cold to be outside right now?"

"I don't know, you tell me." She replied with a cheeky smile.

She continued by leaving out the door. I saw that she had climbed the latter to go up to the roof.

She never goes up there... weird.

Well, I can't exactly just leave now that I talked to her. Might as well join her.

I opened the sliding door, and closed it behind me to then go up the ladder and meet her on the roof.

She sat there, looking to the sky. She didn't seem sad nor happy.

"I thought you were tired."

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