Y/n's Absent

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"Yuki! You're back!" I smiled excitedly. "You might want to heat up your food, it's probably a bit cold now."

"Oh, seems to be that way." Yuki smiled as he stood up. "I hope I didn't make you guys wait too long before starting to eat."

"Oh no, you're fine! We're just happy you're back." I kept a smile, even though I so badly wanted to ask what happened and why Y/n's not here.

"Could be better without you." Kyo whispered.

"What did you say, cat?" Yuki snarled as he became agitated.

"Boys." Shigure said with a stern look as he closed his fan.

Both the Blueberry and Orange quit their arguing at the instant of Shigure's magic.

"Anyways, Yuki, care to share what happened?" Shigure continued.

Yuki's eye's widened, his hands shaky as he tightened his grip on the plate of food that was coming out of the microwave.

He gulped as he started walking over.

Yuki's POV:

I hesitated on everything. Sitting down, placing down the plate, thinking, talking. What could I say?

I would hate to have Tohru worry, and on top of that it's just hard to say. Knowing that she'll be gone for a while, you know?

When I say 'a while', I'm not saying forever, nor am I saying that I'll know when she'll come back. Who even know's anymore with Hatori.

We can't get her out this time, it's gonna be a lot harder if we do try. I don't wanna make things worse for her so, we're just gonna have to leave her alone, unfortunately.

"Uhm." I choked on my own words. "I'd rather not say."

I slowly ate, and the rest of the time it was just dead silence, and I could tell that Tohru was getting antsy about it.

Later that night, after cleaning up, kyo went to bed and I followed. Tohru stayed downstairs with Shigure as they washed the dishes and talked.

"What happened today." Kyo asked me, stopping me before I could enter my room.

"Nothing for you to worry about." Kyo then yanked me into his room, closing the door behind him.

"Nothing for me to worry about? Nothing for me..." Kyo sighed. "I worry about everything! Now tell me what's going on."

"Gee, fine." I sighed and struggled. "Y/n was taken by Hatori... again."

"Great, just perfect. Exactly what I needed." Kyo sarcastically raged.

"Don't even think about going to the Sohma estate, Kyo."

"Why not-?"

"Do you not realize that Akiyo is there? Do you not realize that Y/n is staying with Hatori? You'll just end up in danger that I'll have to drag you out of."

Kyo snarled at me.

"Look, I know how desperately you want to help her, but you can't save her or get her out. The last time it happened, sure it worked, but if they want to keep her there they'll have put her in some close watch security. If anything, she's probably back in her old room."

"So what do we do now?"

"Wait for her."

"Wait for her to return? Are you stupid? That will never happen!"

"You don't know that, Kyo!"

Then we heard someone coming up the stairs.

"I better go." I said, leaving the room and going in to my own.

—————Next Day:

Entering the school felt... I don't know. Strange, maybe?

Whatever it was, I knew it was because of Y/n.

Today we start our planning on our class play, to do so we needed Y/n to be up next to the chalk-board with me to present the run-through. Yet, she's not there to help.

I'll have to get someone else from our class to help, I suppose.

On my way to class, I spotted Momiji.

"Momiji." I called out to him.

He looked back with a dull smile, "Hi Yuki!"

Momiji then turned around to help his classmates with something, but then Haru took my arm and went into the bathroom.

"Haru?" I asked. "What's going on?"

"I could ask the same thing, so, do you know what's going on with Momiji?"

"Oh uhm, I'm not sure-."

"He's really flat today, like usually he's all perky and upbeat, laughing and giggling to, basically, every word said."

"It's nothing you should worry about if he hasn't told you."

"What do you mean? Of course it is! I don't wannt him to bare it all alone."

"I don't know what you should do then, I'm sorry."

"I'll just ask Y/n when I see her." Hatsuharu said as he started to walk out of the bathroom.


"Yeah?" He turned around.

"You can't do that..."

"Why not?" Haru got closer to me.

"Y/n's... not here."

Shifting Souls | Fruits Basket Story (Momiji x Y/n)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz