Such a Gorgeous Girl

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I just stared at Kyo who started getting up and walking over to me.

"What?" I said faintly and quickly.

"What happened back there to make you so terrified." Kyo placed both hands on each of my shoulders. "I saw only terror in your eyes at that specific moment. That's it."

"I'm not sure what you're getting at." I looked away from him, obviously not wanting to talk about it.

"Are you kidding? You're going to be stubborn at a time like this?" He removed his hands.

I know that he's only worried about me, but I really don't feel like talking about it. Especially when Tohru's near and could hear if she were to somehow come close.

Also, in that matter, just thinking about it gave me chills and goose bumps... what would happen if I suddenly started talking about it?

I'm sorry Kyo, but I'm keeping it in. No matter how many times you beg or yell at me to get it out.

I'm doing this... for my sake... and Tohru's.

For Hiro and Haru... yes... that includes the Orange himself.

Momiji, too.

You name them.

"Where's your stuff?" I said completely shifting gears to a new 'happy' mood.

"On the counter in the kitchen." He quickly replied.

I went over to the kitchen, grabbed his stuff as mine were in my hands, and brought it all upstairs.

Once I was done, I lied on my futon as I relaxed. Bringing in the sound of silence.

I suddenly heard noises coming from outside. I peaked out the window to realize it was Tohru, doing the laundry.

I opened the window, which let a huge brush of fresh air hit my face.

Tohru looked a bit down, possibly thinking deep into something as she folded each white blanket. There was one left on the drying rack.

"How's the laundry coming along?" I asked her.

She looked up to me then smiled. "Good-!" A huge gush of wind came by, blowing away her last blanket that she needed to unclip then fold.

"Wait!" Tohru yelled at the blanket.

"I'll be right there." I said just before rushing down the stairs and out the back door.

"Let's go get it, I'm sure it's not too far." I said, grabbing her hand and walking off to the path that lead down the mountain.

We walked through a literal forest, and after a bit of walking, I spotted something white.

"There." I said leading Tohru through the bushes as carefully as possible.

"Yep! That's it." Tohru smiled, then realizing...

Uh... a horse...?

The horse picked up it's head, as it was lying down, to look at us.

Tohru had a soft scream. "Ah! A horse!" Then she bumped right into the tree behind her.

"Tohru, oh my god, are you ok?" I said, holding in my laugh as I helped her.

"What's a horse doing out here?" Tohru said confused.

I looked over, back to the horse, and saw... clothing.

"You must be-." I started saying as I got cut off by a voice.

"Rin!" Yuki said as he came through the bushes. "So it was you then."

"You know who this is?" Tohru questioned Yuki.

"I thought I saw her. Glad I decide to follow and make sure." He said, walking then stopping next to us. "This is Rin, or, Isuzu Sohma. I'm sure you figured out, she's the horse."

I rolled my eyes as I knelt beside her. I wanted to be so sarcastic but who knows what Rin's been through, so I decide to keep the trap shut.

"What is she doing transformed out here like this?" I asked as Yuki, too, knelt beside the horse.

"Not feeling well, maybe?" Yuki said as Tohru copied us and knelt down.

"Well, maybe if she's sick then we can go get Hatori-." Tohru said.

While she was talking everything seemed fine, but when she said Hatori specifically, the horses eyes lit up in anger and kicked it's hoof.

I grabbed Tohru and pulled her into me, saving her, yet, making myself transform.

I thought of the snake, so that's what I transformed into. Rin looked very confused by this.

"Rin." Yuki started with an unpleasant look towards her. "Do you realize how badly you could've hurt her?"

"Don't get him!" Rin said, angrily.

Soon after saying those words, she transformed back to her human self, and of course she was naked.

She was so beautiful, with such nice long jet black hair. Her face was like porcelain, and it was absolutely gorgeous.

Tohru quickly got the blanket that had blown away and was now stuck in a bush and placed it over Rin.

"I'll go g-get some clothes for her to wear, o-okay?" Tohru said shakily and fast as Yuki replied with a 'thanks' and she ran off.

"I'm gonna head out too." I said slithering up. "It was nice meetin' ya, Rin."

I slithered away with a smile and passed Tohru on my way in.

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