The Lore to a Bracelet

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"I'LL KILL YOU!" Kyo shouted as we all stared.

"You guys, please!" Tohru got finicky.

"Yuki's so cool." Hatsuharu said emotionless like always.

"LIKE HELL HE IS!" Kyo kept his angry mood up.

I started chuckling... obviously holding in my huge amount of laughter as I snorted.

I couldn't help it, they're too damn funny when they fight.

We all walked home and had dinner together, having a great time overall.

It was such an enjoyable moment as I messed with Kyo, embarrassed Hiro, and basically made everyone laugh.

I don't mind tooting my own horn, so, I can say, both Tohru and I have made an impact on the Sohma's.

Tohru has also impacted me, and I can only hope I've done the same, only in a good way of course.

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Next Day:

"Tohru." Kyo said as I sat next to Tohru at the beach, on the sand. "New friend."

The way he said that was kinda cute... I'm not gonna lie...

He held up a hermit crab and placed it on the sand castle, which I helped Tohru figure out.

"Aw! What a cute little hermit crab!" Tohru smiled.

"I don't really know if I'd call that thing a castle, but it does look better than the last one." Kyo said, sitting down in the sand.

"Yeah, for sure! I'm serious, you've improved. And guess what, you basically did it on your own." I smiled as I lied back on my towel that I had placed underneath me.

"You do know you can go swimming if you want to, right?" Kyo spoke. "No need to miss out on it just 'cause of me."

"I don't think I'm missing out on anything." Tohru smiled. "It's more fun when we're together."

Kyo looked down, blushing, a bit hard. And I could see it from my angle... but I'm sure Tohru didn't notice it.

"Kyo's got the hots." I whispered with a smirk.

He heard me as well.


"Well, it's true." I smiled sitting up.

Tohru had no clue what this was about.

"NO IT'S NOT!" He stood up from the sand.

"I see why though." I smiled, then looking to the sky. "Cool it kitten, sit down."

He sat down and pouted like a child.

"Y'know, I don't think I've ever known someone who dislikes the water as much as you do, Kyo." Tohru said as she looked to the hermit crab.

"Yeah, apparently the last holder of the cat spirit disliked water, too." Kyo said leaning back on his hands.

"What about the bracelet? Did the previous cat holder wear it?" Tohru pondered.

"Yeah." (Kyo)

"It looked pretty unusual. Any idea what it's made from?" I asked as I looked to his hand which he now held up in front of him.

"Human bone." Wait... what? "From some great monk or whatever. This was a long time ago, hundred of years maybe. They say the red ones were lacquered with blood. I don't know how much is true, but legend has it that at least one life had to be sacrificed to give the amulet its power. I've hated that thought since I was a little kid. It seemed wrong to me. Is my existence worth that kind of sacrifice? Worth more than another person's life? I have this because someone else was trampled, because they had everything taken from them. But still..."

Tohru took hold of his arm with a sad expression. Just then, a HUGE wave took us out as we sat at the shore. I had no clue it was coming, I don't think any of us did. We were all so deep in thought.

Once the wave went down, I started coughing because I think I swallowed some water.

"That wave came out of nowhere!" Tohru said as we were all soaked.

I was just trying to get the water I had swallowed out of my lungs.

"Shit..." Kyo came over to me. "You good?"

I gave him a thumbs up as I slowly stopped coughing.

"Phew! I thought it was going to drag us in!" Tohru said shaking.

"DAMN OCEAN!" Kyo yelled running to the shore. "DON'T MESS WITH ME, BASTARD! I'L KILL YOU FOR THAT!"

Tohru started laughing.

"Pfft- what'ya gonna do? Get the drain?" I asked as I laughed.

"Sorry Kyo." Tohru said laughing still. "But I'm pretty sure the ocean can beat you."

"Quit laughing, will ya?" Kyo asked, gently holding Tohru's face.

"Sorry." Tohru smiled, grabbing his arms as they shared a moment.

"Should I go back to the previous conversation... or..." I said as I saw a human figure staring at us.

I sat up more, trying to figure out who it was.

Kyo and Tohru were having their own conversation, I think about the hermit crab and how the ocean probably took him away.

I studied the figure, only to realize it was Akito...

What did they want?

Soon enough, Akito started walking away, and I'm pretty sure that was either Hatori or Kureno next to them... yep, I think it's Kureno.

The more I looked the more I could tell who it was, until they got out of view as they left.

What we're those two up to?

"We should head back and have some Lunch!" Tohru smiled as she placed her hand on my shoulder.

I wish I could turn back time and not have done this... but I got scared, pushed her hand off me as I then scooted away and fell down onto my butt.

I mean... I did just see Akito, so maybe that explains why I did that? I couldn't even remember why I did it...

"What's wrong?" Tohru started freaking out.

"Oh." I placed my hand on my head as I got up. "Sorry, it's nothing. Let's go back."

We walked back, enjoying the nice cool breeze as we then got up to the front doors of the place.

"Bath anyone?" I asked as I set my stuff down on the coffee table.

"You guys decide." Kyon stubbornly said.

"Tohru, you go." I smiled to her.

"Really? You sure?" She replied.

"Yes really, silly strawberry!" I giggled a bit.

"Ok, thanks!" She smiled, getting a bit excited as she scooted away to the bathroom.

"Right, where's your stuff Kyo, I'll go put it away for you-."

"What happened back there?"

Shifting Souls | Fruits Basket Story (Momiji x Y/n)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz