The God's Path

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Hiro's POV:

I walked in silence, with my mom beside me. She wouldn't let me go alone because she says im 'too young'. So not true.

As we got to the doors of the hospital, my mom started to talk, "When you get in there, look for Momiji." She smiled as she then opened the door for me.

I just gave a short smile back and turned away to walk inside. Upon entering, I spotted Momiji right off the bat.

"Momiji!" I spoke loudly for him to hear me.


"Would ya stop calling me that?" I asked him.

"Nope!" He stuck out his tongue with a cheeky smile, a face that he usually does. "Let's get a move on! Y/n's really excited to see you!"

Momiji pulled me by the hand, up the elevators and down the hall.

We opened the door, and saw Y/n.

She looked like she was... in pain...

She noticed the creek of the door and turned her head.

Her eye's were weak.

Her smile was weak.

Am I the only one to notice how weak she is?

"Lime!" She squealed. "I'm so glad to see you!"

My smile came naturally, it was so huge that my cheeks started to hurt. I never wanted to see her in this condition but... I couldn't wait any longer. It's a shocker for me to say stuff like this, but... in all honesty, I look up to her. Like an older sibling.

We shared a tight hug for a few minutes, and once I picked my head up from her shoulder, I could see tears in her eyes.

She tried to laugh it off, but I spoke up, "What's wrong?"

"I have no clue." She giggled yet again, Momiji sat up immediately. "I guess I'm just really happy."

Her smile was still weak... how much has she been through?

Minutes passed, we talked and talked and talked, until I noticed the time and had to go. It was late, but Momiji promised my mom to escort me home, so as we walked out together, I asked a question.

"Have you noticed how weak she's become. Physically, I mean. She looks... I don't know..."

"Drained?" Momiji calmly added. "I've noticed too, but there's something that's going on."

"And what's that?"

"Nothing you need to worry about." Momiji smiled and messed up my hair.


It wasn't even that late in the afternoon, but my mom is always overprotective. More than need be.

I wish I could've stayed longer.

Y/n's POV:

While Momiji and Hiro were here, I felt this tingling sensation... it was a weird feeling. One strange but so familiar. Right after the two left... it built up. Stronger and stronger.

The sense grew stronger, it felt like pressure. Kind of like how when you go on an airplane and your ears plug up. It was tolerable but it stuck at the front of my mind. Sitting there and sitting there.

Soon enough, that pressure became untolerable, but what could I do to stop it?

All I could do was sit there and breath. Be calm and relaxed.

Soon enough, I felt like I was in a dream. I could see every animal in the zodiac, connected to a rope that attached to the god who had long white hair. I stood right beside the god, looking and watching everyone.

Where was I?

Three strings were broken... the rabbit, the bird, and the lamb. The god looked to me, and started speaking with a recognizable voice, one that sounded much like Akito's, "I can let go now... right? It's ok to stop being special, to stop being a god... and just be me, isn't it? To start a life that's truly my own. I- I'm hurt, I'm scared... I don't know who'll love me now..."

This was weird, but in all honesty, my plan is to start over with Akito and become stronger. So all in all, I had to say something and speak up.

"It's alright." I replied, a gentle smile on my face. "It's what's best for all of us. And I promise that I'll still love and charish you. I'm sure that everyone will come to that mutual understanding."

And just like that... with that same soft smile, I asked for permision then broke the ropes, all until...

"Wait..." The god stopped me in my tracks, right before cutting the rope with the rat. "I want to talk to him... one last time."

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