When the Snake Slithers

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The two boys transformed back into their human forms, and with that, they're naked. Gross.

Tohru gasped and turned her head into me so she didn't see anything as they were changing. I just closed my eye's.

"Anyway's, thanks for telling me." Tohru said as she was still looking away. "I'm glad it was just 'cause you weren't feeling well. Wait, I mean, I'm not glad you were sick. But I'm happy that nothing's changed."

"Why would it?" I asked.

"I promise you, everything is the same." Yuki reassured.

"I still hate this guy every bit as much as I always have." They both said at the same time, making the situation funny. There they went, fighting again. Tohru and I giggled. 

"Why don't we head back to the cabin?" Yuki said, with the answer of Tohru nodding her head.

"Mission, bring Y/n back without transforming is now a go!" She said with a salut, I laughed of course. What a silly thing to call this. She then grabbed onto my front leg like a hug.

"Why don't you ride on my back? It'll make it easier than holding onto my leg like you are now." I said looking at her as she did.

"Right!" She said while letting go of my leg. 

"Yeah, we'll head down to the lake tomorrow." Kyo said placing hand in his pocket, leaving the other dangling at his side.

"Ok!" Tohru said with excitement.

I bent down into a laying position so it was easier for her to get on.

"Hold onto my mane." I said to her before getting up. She grabbed a hold and rode all the way back to the cabin.

As soon as we got there, I knelt down for Tohru to easily get off. Yuki held her hand as if she was a princess.

"And the Prince finds his Princess." I exclaimed in a joking manor, Yuki blushed and Tohru giggled. "Tohru, mind fetching me some clothes? Kinda need 'em."

Yes, it was embarrassing, but you gotta do whatchya gotta do.

"Right, I'll be back as soon as I can!" She said running into the cabin.

"So, what happened this time?" Shigure asked as he came to the back porch.

"Should you always butt in?" Hatori asked him.

"Oh c'mon, give me a break! I need to tease someone since you already made me talk to my co-worker!" Shigure complained.

"No it's fine, we just had a tumble, but everything's good." I said back.

"A tumble?" Hatori questioned. I get why he was worried, I'm sure as a doctor anything could be dangerous. "How did this happen, exactly?"

I had to explain but before I could I transformed... in front of a bunch of guys. They gave their respects though, looking away as they should while Hatori took off his jacket and placed it over me. He looked as little as possible, what a gentleman.

Tohru finally came down with one of my skirts and shirts. I gotta tell you, this girl is a fashionista when it comes to quick decisions of clothing. I went into the house and changed, then giving Hatori's coat back.

That night was peaceful, me and Tohru had to share a room once again but, hey, she's a great friend! She's a selfless person who needs to learn how to be selfish every once in a while.


"You ready to go?" Yuki asked the next morning as we our stuff to go to the lake.

"Yep! We're all set!" Tohru said for the both of us.

"You're going to the lake?" Shigure asked. "Try not to fall in Kyo."

"Like I would!" Kyon said, snapping back with no hesitation like always. 

"Well, we're going. We'll see you later." Tohru said, bending down a bit to the person who lay on the couch, Hatori.

"Well looky here, the doc is sleepin' in front of people. Unlikely site." I said with a smile and crossing my arms, leaning against the door.

"Yes, he is." Tohru said, now starting to whisper.

"Huh, Hatori actually sleeps?" Kyo said.

"Naturally," Shigure was sitting down on a chair at the table. "People tend to die without sleep, you know."

"I'm aware of that, idiot." Kyo stated aggressively. God, what an angry child. "But he doesn't seem like the type who'd fall asleep in front of people like Y/n said."

"Ooo, should I go back to that conversation?" I said sitting up from the door, walking over to Kyon. "Are you copying me?"

I said in a way to copy what Yuki said yesterday during the little accident.

"Ay! Don't even think about it-." Kyo said starting to get cut off.

"Kyo, do you really wanna test the doctors patience with you? You'll only wake him with that amount of yelling." Yuki said while rolling his eye's.

"Whaa?" Kyo said looking around. "But she-."

"No but's. That's the end of it." Yuki said as Tohru went upstairs and came down holding a blanket in her hand.

"He might catch a cold if he's not covered up." Tohru placed the blanket atop of Hatori.

"You're so kind Tohru!" Shigure said. "You'll make a wonderful wife someday."

"Huh? It's just a blanket..." She said hesitantly not knowing what else to say.

I clicked my tongue 3 times before speaking, "Shigure went too far ahead..." I then went from a smile with closed eyes, to a straight face looking directly at him with arms crossed. "Again..."

'What, is it that big a deal?" He proclaimed.

It sure was...

"No! He's right. That was wondrously attentive. Allow me to praise you!" A guy said holding onto Tohru in a way that's not an embrace.

"Aya!" I said coming over to him with a hug. I couldn't help it, he's just so energetic!

"Y/n darling! What a surprise to see you here!" Ayame said as he hugged back. EVeryone starred at me like I was crazy. "What's wrong? You're all so quiet."

"Because a snake suddenly showed up!" Yuki said, angrier than I've ever seen him. What's his deal with Aya?

"Why do you keep doing that? Where'd you slither in from?" Kyo asked.

"I came in through the door like a civilized person." He said now shaking me and Tohru by our heads. "Not the sharpest tool in the shed are you, Kyonkichi?"

"Shut up! I'm plenty sharp!" Kyo defended himself.

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