To Never Rely on a Coconut

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Tohru got to her and sat down, and quite quickly, Rin took hold of Tohru and cried.

I'm not mad, anything to make her feel safe, y'know?

I thought maybe she wasn't comfortable enough with me since I've been so close to Akito my whole life. I get it, it's not a big deal.

That's until Rin motioned her hand at me to come over. I walked over slowly, and Rin tugged on my clothing, just enough to pull me down.

She wrapped me in the hug as well, tears still falling, her breath unstable.

I'll try to help her, even though I don't know what exactly it is. I'll still try.

"I'm sorry, I'm lost. I just don't know what to do anymore." Rin cried. "I don't know... I cant do anything. Not like this, not on my own."

"It's hard being on your own." Tohru stated as her eyes watered up.

"And scary." I shakily stated, remembering my life before.

I understand to a certain extent, to say the least, when I was with Akito I was scared. It's not easy trying understand Akito and the way they do things. How could I ever find a home that feels safe and secure when they're around?

It just doesn't work. It's like salt and sugar, if you can get along with the salt I'm glad, but unfortunately I can't. I just don't know how to.

"So scary." Tohru copied me.

We were basically crying, but I held mine in for the sake of no one worrying about me. I just thought this was more of a Rin moment.

I didn't want to ruin it, at least not anymore than I feel that I have.


Our weekend was more crazy than I was hoping. A lot happened on Saturday, then on Sunday we brought Rin to the hospital and that was... insane. It was like trying to get a cat out of tree, they didn't want to leave that tree of security.

She got convinced after Tohru and I spoke with her privately, but who knows how long she'll hold up before trying to escape through a window.

At school it seemed like everyone that knew about the situation was a bit worried, along with Hatsuharu since we told him.

All of a sudden, the school speakers came on, "Yun-yun, Pixie! Where are you? Our meetings about to start!!"

Oh great, thanks Kimi... that's embarrassing.

I walked out of the classroom and started walking down the hall in such embarrassment. Ugh.

When I took a turn, I saw Yuki himself with Hatsuharu.

"I didn't know you were into that type of girl Yun-yun." I heard Haru say.

"Pfft-!" I failed to hold in my laughter. "Yun-yun."

"Don't call me Yun-yun!" Yuki got agrivated.

"Oh, there you guys are!" Kakeru smiled as he came around the corner. "My little Sohma's, Yun-yun and Cherry. Oh, how sweet. Come to Kakeru, he's missed you."

"Who told him my nickname?" I said, irritated. "He makes it sound so... kid-like."

I frowned upon the sentence as I crossed my arms.

"My guess is Kimi." Sighed Yuki. "Yes, here we are, but why broadcast a message when you could find me so quickly?"

"It wasn't that quick though." Kakeru smiled his incredibly annoying smile. "I've been looking for a while! You don't have a cellphone, Yun-yun, that's why we use the P.A. system. Make sense now? But Y/n, why aren't you answering yours?"

I stood there a bit, "This is school, im actually trying to do some good with my grades. Anyways, we would've been there on time, there was no reason as to why you had to remind us." I rolled my eyes, eager to just get the day over with.

"Alright fruit snacks, you two have a meeting to get to, right?" The Coconut said as he placed his hands in his pockets. "Get going."

"Sure thing." Yuki said.

"Wait, Haru!" I said while everyone started walking opposite directions. "Tell Momiji that I'll be a bit late after school, and not to wait for me, I can easily just head over."

"Right, yeah." Haru smiled and walked away.

Later in the evening, around 4:30pm, I was cleaning up with Machi.

"What do you think we'll decide to do for the culture festival?" I questioned as I put a few papers into a folder.

"I don't know, but if I had to make a guess, the people won't get what they want." The plum replied.

"What do you mean?" I turned to her in my spinning chair.

"There's this rumor going around about the culture festival. People are saying and convincing others that there'll be a bon fire and fireworks."

"Dude, I wish, but who really thinks the school could actually afford that? And to do it safely... yeah, I'm sorry but that's not happening." I chuckled with the Plum.

As I placed all of the, now filled, folders into the cabnits, I grabbed my bag.

"Alright, I'm heading out. Thank's for staying back and helping me out." I smiled.

"You're welcome, but just so you know, it's not really a chore if it's to help you."

Machi is one of the sweetest people I know, I'm not sure how I could even pay her back.

"Thanks Plum."

"You're welcome Angel." She placed a pencil in her bag and then zipped it up.

I made it outside, almost off campus when I saw a blonde haired boy...


"Y/n!" Momiji sprung up from the bench.

"Why did you wait for me?" I said, concerned. "I told you not to!"

"Yeah, but I thought Haru was lying so I stayed." He stuck out his tongue.

I am never trusting Haru to give a message for me ever again.

Sorry not sorry.

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