S5 EP 10 ! "Stop, Drop, and Roll!"

Start from the beginning

The chief eyed him oddly, at a loss for words. Tanai sighed, "Please ignore him."

"Y'all mind if we take Spot off y'all hands?" DeVante asked, petting the dalmatian that accompanied the fire department.

"His name's Rocky and yes, we would mind. He's a part of our team," the chief responded. He was about to say something further but DeVante interrupted him.

"Why'd you give him a dumb name like Rocky?"

"Stop askin' dumb questions!" JoJo shouted, clearly irritated.

The chief looked back at the house for a brief moment. "So does anyone know what could have caused this fire?"

No responses, but all eyes landed on Dalvin.


"You the one who sleeps downstairs," JoJo pointed out.

"And you obviously like playing with fire since you set the neighbor's house on fire that one time," K-Ci added.

Dalvin looked at them, offended. "First off, I was sleep when the fire happened. Second off, I don't have a motive to set the house on fire...this time."

"Well I'd suggest finding a place to lay your heads at since your house is...you know, pretty much, no more." The chief suggested.

"And I know the perfect place! Let's go!" Dalvin began to lead the way with everyone following, realizing that something was off for a few seconds.

"De, go take that damn dog back."

Dalvin carried his bags into the house. "Thanks for letting me stay here."

"No problem," Kass yawned, beginning to make her way back upstairs.

"Oh, one last thing!" Dalvin made her halt her actions, opening the front door to reveal K-Ci, JoJo, DeVante, and Tanai.


Kass blinked, staring at everyone in front of her. "Oh hell nah, Ion know what y'all thought this was. Well I'll take Nai—and maybe JoJo–but Ion know about all five of y'all."

"We ain't gon' stay for that long," DeVante objected.

"Yeah," K-Ci sided. "Just until we figure things out."

"Come on, it'll be fun," Dalvin tried to negotiate to Kass, who gave in.

"I guess y'all can stay."

"Thanks Kass, we owe you one!" K-Ci spoke.

"Mmhm. Now I ain't gon' be able to go back to sleep for a while," Kass rolled her eyes. "So how'd this fire start?"

"We have no idea," Dalvin shook his head. "All I know is I was sleep and woke up to flames."

Blank stares were aimed his way but no one said anything about their assumptions. In actuality, it wasn't Dalvin's fault that the house caught on fire.

"Imagine if Sabrina escaped outta jail and set the house on fire to get her revenge on us," Tanai joked.

K-Ci cringed. "That ain't funny. It probably was Santos lil badass, he look like the type to touch the stove to figure out if it's hot."

"He can't even reach the damn stove," JoJo defended. "But I was gon' say maybe Walton came back, found out where we lived, and threw a match."

"I woulda' assumed it was Robin," DeVante joined the conversation. "Y'all think he's still mad?"

"Most definitely, but I wouldn't put it past Darlene either. You know one of her first toys was a lighter," Dalvin spoke, earning little laughs around the room.

Kass looked at them, confused at how they could be laughing and joking at a time like this. "What—and who are these people—"

Dalvin was about to respond to her but he stood there, eyeing her oddly.

"What? Why you looking at me like that?"

"How do we know if you weren't the reason why our house burned down?" Dalvin inquired.

Kass gave him an eye roll. "Are you dumb? What reason would I have to do that? You expect me to set the house on fire, run home, automatically know you'd call me, then pretend to wake up just to let y'all inside the house? Does that make sense to you?"

"...Well yeah, but by your tone of voice I'm assuming that you didn't do it," Dalvin answered.

Kass threw a pillow his way. "Whatever. Burn my house down next and I'm killin' all of y'all!"

so uhh....hey!! 🙃
y'all miss me?

I hope that answer is a yes!! I'm attempting to make a return on here because originally, I planned to end JA this year but that's obviously not gonna happen, so my goal is to end it around March-April. in order for me to drop consistent updates, imma need y'all to be consistent readers!!

y'all think I'm asking for too much—? I know y'all ain't gonna necessarily want me to ENDDDD this book, but on the bright side, you'll be getting updates!!

besidessss....this season finna have just a little bit over 20 episodes. be so appreciative!!

anyway...I've been talking for too long 😭 I'm out, loveeee y'allll!! ♥️

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