Chapter One Hundred Fifty Two

Start from the beginning

"You might have to wait a few minutes, I hadn't planned for the suit place only taking an hour," Tony says as he, assumably, starts looking for the owner.

"Tony, I swear to you if some girl is waiting around the corner or.."

"Relax. I know you wouldn't want that. Will you just wait, please?"

"Fine," I huff out.

Tony walks away and it's just Wanda, Peter, Loki and myself.

"So you guys knew about this?" I'm still a little surprised. Not so much by Loki, but by Wanda and Peter.

"He said he had plans for after we got your suit that we couldn't tell Nat about," Wanda explains.

"And you all went along with it?"

"We knew Tony wanted to do something special for you. We weren't going to ruin that," Peter reasons.

I start looking around the club and I am seriously confused. I mean, it's clearly not open or even close to it. No one is here. And if Tony is true on his word about not having any strippers.. what could we possibly be doing here?

And that's when Tony shows back up.

"Okay, are you guys ready?"



They all look at me. "What am I suppose to be ready for?"

Tony rolls his eyes yet again. "Why is it so difficult for you to trust me right now?"

"Because we're standing in the middle of a club for who knows why and we most definitely shouldn't be."

Then Peter places a hand on my shoulder, "I think you should trust him on this, Spencer. I don't think he'd do anything stupid at this point."

"Fine. I guess I'm ready."

"Good, follow me." And then he walks out the door.

"Um..?" Wanda just ends up dragging me out of the club and back into the fresh air.

We all pile back into the limo and I go to question everything that is currently happening but Tony stops me, "nope. It's time you trust me and just go with what we're doing."

I just nod my head and let him hand me a glass of champagne, which I down in one go and let him fill up again.

We left the club, so I guess where ever we're going has to be better, right?


It was a while later when we slowed down to a stop again and I'm even more confused. I waited for them to open the door and help me out.

I take some cautious steps forward as, I believe, Wanda guides me.

Oh.. did I forget to mention they blindfolded me?

Yeah I tried to fight it. But here I am.

"Okay, can I take this thing off yet?"

"I'm surprised you aren't enjoying this," Wanda says, I hear the smirk.

I'm not about to tell them I like being blind folded. But by Nat. In our room. Not by them outside of a place I don't know.

At least I know I can trust them?

"Okay, take it off."

I slowly take off the blindfold, trying to prepare myself for anything.

I'm blinded by the sun first.

But once I adjust, I see a smallish building that looks closed.

And Tony smiling like an idiot in front of it.

Is this suppose to make sense to me?

"Um.. Tony? I still have no clue what's going on."

Then Wanda gently pushes me forward, "just go check it out."

I look back at her confused, "check out what? A random building that is definitely not open?"

"You are so difficult today," then Tony opens the door.

I reluctantly follow them inside.

Once Tony turns on the lights, it all makes sense.

"No. Fucking. Way. We're getting tattoos?!" I just about squeal in excitement. "I have actually really been wanting another one and I have it all planned out but I haven't.."

"Spencer," Tony stops my ramble.


"It's yours."

"What're you talking about?"

He gestures around the room, "it's all yours. I know you don't want to be an avenger. And I know how much you miss tattooing and you haven't been over to Alexeis shop as much as you'd like, so I had this set up for you."

I take a moment looking around the room. It's all brand new equipment.

"How did you even know.."

"I talked to Alexei. He picked out the equipment. I had some guys install everything. Officially finished it this week, got the okay this morning."

"What about the club? Why did we go there?"

"I was fucking with you. But you sucked all of the fun out of that," Tony explains defeated.

I finally let a smile set across my lips.

"But.. why?"

"I already told you why. Were you not listening just a minute ago?"

I shake my head, "I know why a tattoo place. But why do this for me? It's not my birthday or anything like that."

He walks up to me and places his hands on my shoulders. "Spence, it doesn't have to be a special occasion for someone to do something nice for you."

"Okay, but this is way beyond 'nice.' This is expensive and way above anything you had to do."

"I know I didn't have to. I wanted to. You seriously suck at receiving gifts. Can you just say thank you and enjoy it?"

"Thank you, Tony. I really appreciate it. This is.. incredible. I.. might be in shock.." I start looking around once again, really checking everything out now that I know it's mine.

Then I spot something. "Wait, how did you get the tattoo gun Alexei and Melina gave me here?"

"I have my ways."

I narrow my eyes at him, "did Nat get it for you?"

He lowers his head, "yes."

"So she knows?"

"She knows. I'm not crazy enough to exclude your Russian ex assassin girlfriend in on something like this."

Then I hug him. For a while. He hugs back. Then they all do.

As I pull away I get an evil grin on my face, "so does anyone want a tattoo?"

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