Chapter One Hundred Forty One

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Spencers POV

"So, I know you kind of just met me, and I'm really sorry about that, but I also know how much you mean to Natasha. Your family and your opinion. And I know she's her own person but if you approved then I think it would just.."

"Spence." Clint stops me.

"Uh, yeah?"

"Not that the rambling isn't great, but I don't think it's necessary."

"Right. Sorry. Sometimes I just keep going because I'm not exactly sure how to say.. right." I shake my head. "The point."

I pull out my phone and bring up the picture to show Laura as I bring it up.

"So, I love Nat. With all of me. And I know I acted weird when Lila brought it up, but it wasn't for the reason you might have thought."

"And what did I think?" Laura asks.

"Uh.. maybe that it made me uncomfortable and I wasn't ready or going to commit?" I now say unsure.

"Uhuh. Your reaction wasn't exactly what one wants to see when bringing up a marriage, which I know Nat noticed."

"Yeah.. I know she did too. But I can't ruin the surprise."

"The surprise?"

I smile as wide as I possibly can. "Yeah, this one." And I show her the picture of the engagement ring.

"A black screen?"

"What?" I look and see that my phone has shut off since I took so long. "Oops. Here."

I show her the real picture.

"Oh my.. is this what I think it is?!"

"It is indeed."

"Holy hell. This is beautiful. She's going to love it!"

"Laura, shh.." Clint warns. "Remember. It's a secret."

She waves her hand at him, taking my phone for a closer inspection.

"I'll be damned. She is going to flip." She looks back up at me. "When are you going to ask her? How?"

"So.. does that mean.."

"If you're asking if I think she should marry you, then the answer is yes."

"Yeah?" I ask excitedly.

"Absolutely. We may have just met, but she talks about you all the time. Well anytime we get to talk, which isn't all that often, she gushes about you. I've never heard her talk about someone the way she talks about you. You make her genuinely happy."

I go to respond, but she continues.

"She's also never brought anyone here to introduce to us. There have been a couple that she talked about for a little while, but they never lasted. Even if she wouldn't admit it, she has always wanted to find that one person that would love her completely. That she could love entirely. I think she's found that in you."

"Um.. wow. I.." what do I even say? "I.. I do love her completely. With every fiber of my being. And I plan on doing so for the rest of my life, if she'll have me. So to have your support.. it means a lot."

"You definitely have it, Spencer. Anyone that can get Natasha to smile like that.. well, I'm happy for you both. Just don't you dare hurt her," she adds that at the end, pointing her finger at me.

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