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yh yh, i know it's a bad habit, but it's just skin and scabs, idk i don't like the self harm habit, or technically being a type of cannibal, but it's not the worst thing, it just makes me more... unique haha ^^;

but for real i eat my own flesh, it's fucked, scabs skin, i eat it cause i've been doing it since i was in like prep, it's more of a habit at this point. it's not like i actively go out of my way to do it, i just peal off skin and scabs for the pain and then i eat it, it's fucking weird i know but i'm trying to stop, also when i get stressed my self harm increases so i do it more.

idk if i mentioned this before but just thought yolo so decided to write about it while i had nothing to do (atm) so yh i eat my own flesh, i'm weird, get over it

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