out of my system and i am good

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yes that may have been dangerously close to a confession, but i just ended up telling how much i appreciate her and how much her friendship means to me, narrowly avoided confession. of course just because i didn't confess doesn't mean i don't still like her i very, very, very, very, vvveeerrryyy!!! much do, she is the best person i know, kindest person, cutest person(both mentally and physically), and honestly she's just so nice to be around. she's just so great nobody else can compare.

 yes i know i sound like a stalker but she's just so amazing i wish everyone could be like her, but if everyone was so amazing it would take away from the fact that she's so amazing so i'm content with just her, she's all i need... god love is a bitch.

ok so i know this is not that juicy gossip but people just randomly calling me shit unprompted, "freak" "stalker" and today "pedo" and this is just in the past weak so... did i do something? like "freak" is accurate i know that, "stalker" eh yh kinda don't try to be but kinda with my obsession and all. now "pedo" um... no... why?.. just why? i'm not attracted to kids in the slightest, i hate kids with a passion, don't want them, don't want to deal with them, don't even like being in the same building as them, they're loud, gross, smelling, unsanitary, weird, stupid, and just overall annoying, granted i'm in love with someone who isn't an adult yet but you know there's this one thing called I'M UNDERAGED TOO, just kinda pisses me off that i've done nothing to b and he's kinda being a dick as of recently, like m (have i mentioned her? idk) i understand she doesn't like me and tbh i don't like her... cause she called me a "freak" unprompted. god sorry i think i got it out of my system.

 anyways that's enough of me ranting imma go to sleep cause it is way later then i usually go to sleep, if u read... thx i guess... still no idea whether t has read this or not but it's whatever, goodnight!

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