i'm now a miserable fuck

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she's just completely ghosting me T T, some how this seems worse, fuck do i really have no friends, well this is making me more miserable than initially.

 are we really done with each other? is she really leaving me? why are emotions a  thing that shouldn't be shared? why are emotions such a big fucking deal? i just wanted friends, why is this happening? like i know why, but still... WHY???

also she got annoyed when i called myself something saying "it diminishes our friendship", only a day later ending said relationship, so that's another... WHY???

i wish she told me the consequences of my actions, i mean i understand her reasons but i wish i knew what would've happened before hand, so i could've prevented it... prevented myself from being, well, myself

welp no friends again, not gonna make new friends again it's to much of feeling miserable the only person who is remotely worth this misery is t, and i think that ship has long since sailed. imma miss her very much 

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