Chapter 267: These are just a scene

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Shang Jinyi was the first to react, pointing at Lawyer Zhang and shouting excitedly: "I see, you and him must be in the same group! You just want to take away the property of our business!"

Shang Jinnian always felt that the reason why he would be interrupted was because Gu Wuhao was unwilling to borrow money to help him repay his gambling debt, so he hated him a long time ago.

Coupled with knowing that Gu Wuhao was not really Shang Jinnian, he became even more unscrupulous.

Hearing what Shang Jinyi said, Wang Qingqing on the side hurriedly followed up and said: "A Yi is right. It is impossible for the old lady to leave all her property to an unrelated outsider. There must be a problem in this matter, maybe It's you guys working together to lie to us!"

"Mrs. Shang don't need to be so anxious. You can take a closer look at the documents. There is indeed Mrs. Shang's autograph on it." Attorney Zhang was somewhat angry at being so slandered, but he still patiently explained to them.

"If you have doubts about the will, we can verify the handwriting to prove that this is indeed the autograph of Mrs. Shang, and that the division of property is indeed what the old lady meant."

Shang Pingkang is the only son of the old lady of Shang, and he naturally knows her handwriting, so you know that this is indeed the signature of the old lady.

But even if this will is true, as long as he disagrees, Gu Wuhao would never want to take away a penny.

"Even if it is true, he is not a merchant, and he does not even have the qualifications to inherit property!" After Shang Pingkang said emotionally, the next second he directly tore off the will in his hand. .

His action was too sudden, which was beyond everyone's expectations. When everyone reacted, the will had turned into a pile of shredded paper.

"Mr. Shang, it is illegal to tear up the will privately!" Attorney Zhang frowned and warned: "And this is just a copy, even if you tear it off, you can't change the final result, you still won't get a cent!"

Attorney Zhang's words once again angered Shang Pingkang, who completely lost his mind and raised his fist to beat Attorney Zhang.

But just as his hand was raised, a figure suddenly rushed in front of him, and then tightly grasped his wrist.

"Gu Wuhao, you don't want to be nosy here!" Shang Pingkang yelled at him, curling his eyebrows, "I know this is the two of you.

I'm making a fool of myself, I will tell you today clearly, as long as I, Shang Pingkang, are still alive, you won't be able to take away any money from the merchant! "

"Pingkang is right, this must be your conspiracy, wanting to **** the business's property from us, dreaming!" Wang Qingqing echoed, staring at Gu Wuhao's eyes with vigilance.

Gu Wuzhuo shook off Shang Pingkang's wrist and looked at them with a gloomy expression: "Now we will deal with the old lady's funeral first, and we will talk about other things later. If you continue to make trouble, I will let someone throw you all out. "

These threatening remarks made them hesitate, but when they thought that so much money would fall into his hands, Shang Pingkang and Wang Qingqing were even more unhappy.

Gu Wuhao wanted to deal with the funeral of the old lady Shang first, but they wanted to settle the inheritance first.

For them, money is more important than the funeral of the old lady of Shang.

Just when Shang Pingkang and the others were arguing over property and were about to do it again, someone suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

Hearing this familiar voice, both Shang Pingkang and Wang Qingqing were stunned, and then turned their heads with a stunned look, and saw that they had passed away.

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