47. Dying to Know

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*content warning for adult themes, language and mature subject matter*

"I can't believe you dragged me all the way up here to just have breakfast," Yoongi grumbled, though not sounding particularly upset as he grinned at Hobi, leaning back in the plush booth next to the younger.

Hobi broke into a v-shaped megawatt smile, "I told Iacopo I'd come in while I was in the city, he wanted me to try the new menu," he explained with an air of ease and optimism.

Yoongi nodded and drank his espresso doppio without speaking, allowing Hobi to order a selection of pastries, egg dishes, and sides.

"I was going to try and talk to Tae today, I think he's still in the city. Do you want to come?" Yoongi asked, breaking the sleepy silence between the two.

Hobi thought about it, "Do you think it would help? I'm fine either way," he replied mildly, expression open and agreeable.

The older shredded a croissant into small pieces, eating hardly any of it, as he thought.

"I don't know. I sort of think he's so in love with Jungkook that the prospect of having him on the press tour might be a welcome idea," Yoongi guessed, with a slight eye roll as he thought about the current incapacitation of Taehyung.

Hobi shook with gale of inaudible laughter, "You say that like it's a bad thing," he scolded with a teasing tone in his voice.

Yoongi subtly furrowed his brow and shook his head.

"It's not a bad thing, and I think for his career, and for the film, it would be a wonderful thing," Yoongi ventured slowly, staring off into space.

He sighed, looking over at Hobi after a minute of consideration.

"But on a personal level, I have to wonder if it's healthy for him. And I just worry that he doesn't know what he's getting himself into," Yoongi finished, frowning in retrospect.

Hobi took the older's hand, "Then tell him what you think about Jungkook," he said, making a bit of an aloof face.

"Don't say it like that. I like Jungkook and I think incredibly highly of him, he's so talented. I just have concerns about whether Tae truly understands some of the things that Jungkook is working through," he emphasized, gesturing with his hands.

The younger smiled tactfully, "Honey, Tae can be kind of hard-headed about these types of things, and god, he's just head over heels. I'm fine to talk to him with you but I actually think it might be better for you to discuss it with him separately," Hobi diplomatically declined.

He thought it might actually be better to talk to Taehyung after Yoongi, to process some of the more bitter truths that he thought might come out.

"But I love how concerned you are about Tae's career, Yoongs. It's just the sweetest thing," he grinned, leaning over to kiss the older's cheek.

Yoongi smiled into his lap, shy and blushing, still holding Hobi's hand gently, "I love you," he murmured, looking down.

Hobi softly cooed, tipping his head to rest on the older's shoulder for a moment.

"I love you too, my dear," he replied, making his voice unusually deep and resonant.

"How do you think it's going between us, now that we're trying again?" Yoongi asked, deftly changing the subject.

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