20. Stop Desire

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"Jungkook, you need to talk to her. Or you need to let your lawyer talk to her lawyer," Jimin snapped over the phone, voice cracking with irritation about to boil over.

Jungkook raked his fingers through his already messy hair, he so didn't want to be dealing with this right now.

He sighed, waiting for Jimin to pause and finally let him talk.

"I know you. And I know that you'll just avoid it until you can't any longer, but dude, you need to deal with this. You can't just stay married," Jimin exhaled noisily, slamming back a gin and tonic.

It was only 3 in the afternoon, but so what? He needed it.

"Jimin, I appreciate it and I know all of this has put you in a weird spot but I really can't deal with this right now," Jungkook replied in monotone, unwilling to argue with his brother-in-law.

"Who's side are you on, anyway?" he ribbed the older, lips curling up into a small smile.

"Like, am I getting you in the divorce, or is Lil? Should we just part ways now?" he joked, knowing it would rile Jimin up.

He heard Jimin sucking his teeth on the other end of the call.

"Koo, I love you. Like, more than you know. Probably more than I even know. I am not going to side with my sister on this even though you've been apparently fucking someone else while you are still married to her," Jimin retorted.

He was so sick of being the cleanup crew on this marriage.

Jungkook sat down hard on his desk chair and woke his computer up. He didn't really know what to say to make Jimin believe him, anyways.

"Chim, I love you too, but you are wrong on this one," he inhaled, keeping his voice calm and low.

He continued, leaning back and opening a new Word doc, "I have not been fucking anyone else, trust me," he explained carefully.

Jimin made a derisive noise into his ear, "Don't believe you, Kookie," he laughed triumphantly.

"It's true. I don't need you to believe me. Now, I have to go. I'm writing."

Jimin perked right up.

"Wait, what? I didn't think you had started the new book yet," Jimin's voice lilted with interest.

The younger sighed, tapping his fingers impatiently, "I haven't," he conceded tersely, glad the topic was off his bedroom activities, but not exactly interested in discussing his work with his best friend. Yet.

"Then what are you writing?" Jimin was a never ending fountain of curiosity.

He considered lying for a moment. But he quickly decided against it, knowing that Jimin would poke holes in his story by peppering him with questions anyways.

"Poetry," he offered, voice quiet, edging on shy. This was private. Just for him.

Jimin gasped and cooed in disbelief, "You are writing poems again?" he cried gleefully. Jungkook hummed once in affirmation.

"So you have been fucking someone!" Jimin ignored the pang he felt, unwanted, and covered it with cheer.

Jungkook groaned, irritated, "Jimin! I am not!"

For a moment, Jimin was caught off guard, he didn't know what to say. Typically Jungkook would have caved and just told him by now.

"Wait, I'm confused. You only ever write poetry when you're falling in, or out of, love with someone. Like, that's your thing?" he tried out, testing the waters gently with a question. God, Jungkook was so weird sometimes.

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