4. Days and Days

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*Brief content warning for strong language, mature themes, brief references to sex / sexuality*

"Uh, yeah," Jungkook stammered, teeth clenched, "Yeah, I'm good."

The stranger with the dog nodded, and Jungkook took the opportunity to look at him.

God, he was just beyond attractive in navy trousers and a camel sweater. Jungkook felt naked under his gaze. Well, he wasn't so far off...

"Okay. Well, welcome to the neighborhood," the man said calmly, looking directly at Jungkook with intense eyes.

"I'm Taehyung, by the way," he extended a hand to Jungkook.

Jungkook nodded and returned the handshake, "Thanks. I'm Jungkook," he relayed, trying to get himself to blink and not stare, "Do you live on this road too?"

Taehyung shook his head once and pointed, "I live right around that corner," he clarified.

Jungkook wasn't sure what to say so he tried to talk himself out of the situation.

"I won't keep you, but, uh, since you know where I live and you are one of two people that I know here, feel free to stop by for a drink anytime," he blurted out.

Oh, okay, I guess LA Jungkook is a social butterfly. He wanted to smack himself.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow and half-smiled, "Sure," he drawled in an accent similar to Jungkook's.

"Well, I won't keep you either, nice to meet you, again," he said over his shoulder as he turned and walked away.

Jungkook watched him walk down the street a little perplexed.

Was it weird for me to invite him over? Why did I do that? Does he think I'm insane? Maybe it doesn't really matter.


He turned and trotted towards home to make sure he was there to greet Yoongi. When he got back, he stopped at the wet bar in his living room, and drummed his fingers on the counter.

He wanted the guilty feeling that had reappeared to go away.

Looking out the window, he felt a little annoyed at the sunny weather outside that was drawing such a stark contrast to his personal life.

Biting his lower lip, he pulled out the bourbon from the well stocked shelf and downed half a tumbler without a breath. He let the warmth spread down his stomach before showering.

He got out of the shower and toweled off his hair. He felt quite a bit better as he stepped into faded, ripped-at-the-knee jeans and a Balenciaga t-shirt before pulling his phone out.

JUNGKOOK: i'm sorry. I
shouldn't have lashed out.

JIMIN: i'm sorry too

JIMIN: i just know how
much of a bitch my sister
can be sometimes

JIMIN: And I also know
how hard these past few
years have been

JUNGKOOK: not entirely her
fault this time.

JIMIN: everything okay
with your mom?

JUNGKOOK: yes, its fine.

JUNGKOOK: we texted.

JUNGKOOK: i think she was more offended that I didn't crash
with her than anything tbh

JIMIN: lol. I don't wanna
worry her either.

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