28. The Ocean

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*content warning for mature language, adult themes, and explicit / s* content*

Taehyung was released from the hospital the next day, and Jungkook had refused to let him go home alone.

He had gotten frustrated and pushy, bringing Taehyung home with him without being willing to negotiate.

For the rest of the week, Jungkook had also more or less refused to let the older get out of bed, go outside, or do much of anything alone.

When Jungkook had left him alone to take Soomin to the airport, he had taken the opportunity to walk home, get some clothes, and shower unsupervised for the first time in days.

Frankly, there wasn't much that was more agonizing than having Jungkook watch him bathe with zero suggestion on the younger's part of anything more happening between them.

Taehyung wasn't sure if this had been a nail in the coffin of them ever being anything more, or whether Jungkook wouldn't be able to see him that way again after this change in their dynamic.


With his remaining alone time, Taehyung took the opportunity to peruse Jungkook's stuff.

Not that he thought the younger would actually deny him if he had wanted to go through his things, but it was always a bit less stifling to do this kind of thing alone.

He opened a few drawers in the bedroom. Boring. Rows and rows of black, white, and grey. Even his socks.

Glancing aimlessly around, he opened the closet. Blah. These clothes were boring too. Taehyung couldn't believe how many thousands of dollars of just...plain black fabric were in here. Mental note to self: give this closet a root canal.

There were some boxes shoved into the back of the closet that were too heavy to lift, so he shrugged and went to get back in bed, pausing at the bedside table on what he now thought of as Jungkook's side of the bed. As if this entire bed wasn't his.

Taehyung wasn't sure what he thought he was going to find, but he was a little surprised to find a piece of paper that had notes about him on it.

It noted when he had taken pain medication last, dates of his surgery, his follow up doctors appointments, when he was sleeping, what he was eating, whether he seemed to be using the restroom frequently enough.

Taehyung softened, he was completely awestruck by this, and touched at the notes Jungkook had made in the margins:

Q for doc- Seems thinner, what is best for him to eat?

Not using bathroom as often as yesterday. dehydrated? To address

Concerned about pain. T being stoic

He felt a bit flustered at the last one: return to sexual activity - incision pain? Limitations? How to discuss?

Taehyung got back into the bed that he had been ordered to stay in with rosy cheeks and a fluttery feeling in his stomach.

Maybe all hope was not lost.


Jungkook parked the car in the garage and strolled inside. He had just returned from LAX where he had dropped Soomin.

She was reluctant to leave, citing wanting to be there to help if he or Taehyung needed anything but it was time for her to go home.

She had a life in New York to return to, and he needed a bit of a break from being supervised all the time. Not that he minded, but he was tired of being on his best behavior all the time for her.

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