33. Fix You Up

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*content warning for adult language, use of substances to excess, mature and explicit themes*

"Yoongi, I'm not saying that," Hobi argued, "You aren't listening to me, once again," he complained. He shot Yoongi a warning look to be quiet.

When the older said nothing more, he continued.

"I'm not saying that you aren't the love of my life. Come on, I'm not an idiot. I know you are," Hobi relented, voice tender. Yoongi's face gleamed.

"What I am saying is that if you want to try again there are a few conditions," he finished, eyes big and compassionate.

Yoongi crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes, "And what are they?" he demanded in a quiet, commanding tone.

"Well, the first is that we both need to compromise. It isn't all on your terms or on mine," Hobi began, with the unending patience of a preschool teacher.

Yoongi floated his hand in the air in front of his chest, "Done. Next," he raised his eyebrows quickly before lowering them.

Hobi gave an austere nod, "A few more things, it wouldn't be just be casually seeing each other or sleeping together," he bit his lip and glanced up at Yoongi.

"Which means no sleeping with, or dating, other people," he warned with a finger in the air.

"Fine, what else?" Yoongi agreed quickly, he felt smug that the play he was making for Hobi was going well.

Hobi smirked and bit into the croissant he had ordered.

"If it gets to that point, you need to sell your house," Hobi dictated dryly, "Because there's no way I'm moving into that rank love den that all of your conquests have been in," he announced with a grimace, swirling the ice remaining in his coffee.

Yoongi bit his tongue but nodded, "If that's what you want, yes. Anything else?" he sipped his Americano and played with his glasses.

"One more thing. No more chances after this. If it doesn't work out, it's over for good," Hobi made a slightly sad face, "We're not kids anymore. The stakes are higher. We can't play this cat and mouse game forever," he lamented.

Yoongi nodded stiffly, "That seems fair. I can agree to those terms," he concurred.

Hobi crossed his legs and smiled sweetly. That was easier than he had imagined.

"Okay. I love you. Always have, always will," he told Yoongi before springing out of his seat, leaning over to kiss his cheek softly, "I need to go now."

Yoongi huffed brightly, "Where are you running off to?" he asked, enraptured by the vigor and grace that Hobi seemed to possess regardless of what he was doing.

"Didn't you hear? Tae's divorce was finalized today. I'm going to check on him," Hobi looked puzzled for a moment, but then leaned down to kiss Yoongi's cheek softly again before rushing off, "Call me later, Yoongs."

Yoongi just nodded and smiled, happily paying the bill after Hobi had gone. This was it.


When Hobi pushed open the door to Taehyung's house, he had fully expected to find the younger crying, or drinking or maybe both.

He was saddened to see Taehyung sitting on the couch looking pitiful, without a single light on in the house.

Just sitting there. He wasn't looking at anything or doing much, even.

"Tae, honey, hey, it's me," Hobi hustled around the house, systematically turning on all of the lights before walking over to Taehyung and sitting next to him, clasping both of his hands.

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