42. The Cure

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*content warning for adult language and mature scenes*

The next thing turned out of be pottery, which Taehyung had been a little shy about planning, until Jungkook leapt out of the car while it was still moving to run inside.

The younger was thrilled. He ripped off his blazer while babbling about the movie Ghost and his love for the iconic moment between Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze.

"Tae, are you going to sit behind me and ruin my vase so we can start a new one together and then melt into a passionate lovey dovey kiss?" Jungkook asked, raising his eyebrows

Taehyung shrugged and put his hands in his pockets, blushing madly, "Maybe," he smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"But I think it's adorable that you cast yourself as Demi Moore in that scene," the older observed wryly.

Jungkook flushed in an instant.

They were given clay-spattered aprons and a brief tutorial on what to do by someone whom Jungkook was certain that his mom would absolutely love.

"I know this isn't the point of the activity, but my mom would go bananas for this," Jungkook remarked somewhat apologetically.

Taehyung grinned, "She actually recommended this place when I asked for something in this vicinity," he admitted with a shrug.

"You guys are shockingly similar," the younger said, rolling his eyes in disbelief as he started his wheel.

Taehyung hummed, "In some ways, aren't we all?" He said as he sat next to Jungkook and made a series of nearly perfect bowls and cups.

Jungkook was watching him, interested, "How are you so good at this? You're a pro," he commented, tickled at this newfound discovery.

"When I came here to go to college and try to make it, whatever that means, I didn't speak that much English," Taehyung began, pausing as he focused on his work.

Jungkook had abandoned his wheel, letting the amorphous lump of clay spin on it unattended.

"And, I wanted to do all the things my parents told me I wasn't allowed to do because they were too girly or too gay. So, I tried everything that didn't require me to use a lot of language," Taehyung continued, biting his lip, covered in clay up to his elbows.

The younger nodded, frowning slightly as he imagined Taehyung in a strange city without the ability to communicate.

"That must've been really scary, to be alone in a city without speaking the language," Jungkook observed.

It occurred to him that someone would have had to be desperately unhappy to move halfway across the globe all by themselves.

Taehyung chuckled, "It was an experience, that's for sure," he allowed, picking up a finished piece from his wheel and putting it over to the side.

"But, I look back and think about how much I learned about myself during that time, and I feel so fortunate," he smiled up at the younger who was gazing at him in admiration.

Taehyung stood and shrugged, "People think this city isn't forgiving, but I disagree," he murmured, pulling his stool over to sit behind Jungkook.

He wrapped his arms around the younger's waist, kissing his neck and then resting his chin on Jungkook's shoulder.

"You ready for this, Demi?" Taehyung murmured as he took both pairs of their hands and started shaping the lump of forgotten clay.

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