12. Body Work

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*Brief content warning for strong language, mature themes, references to sexuality, nudity*

Jungkook was more than a little surprised to hear the doorbell ring that night.

It was way past when he would've thought Taehyung would show up, something like 9:00 at night, but nevertheless he made his way to the door, dragging himself up from the couch.

He pulled a sweatshirt over his pajamas.

"Hi," Taehyung sounded small as the door opened. His face was drained and pale; he wore a white t-shirt, navy blue shorts, and a backwards baseball cap.

Jungkook just blinked, his mouth suddenly dry. Even though Taehyung looked tired, he still just seemed effortless. 

"Hi" he nearly whispered.

 Taehyung smiled, "Is this a bad time?" he shifted in the doorway. He felt so unsure; the day had shaken the already nebulous foundation beneath his feet.

Now, he was off balance and didn't know how to get back on steady ground.

Jungkook could barely get a word out, "No, no of course not.  Sorry, I was just watching television and sorting through stuff, that's why I look like this," he explained hurriedly, gesturing at his somewhat transparent army green pajamas and sweatshirt.

"Come on in," he said, beckoning Taehyung to follow.

Taehyung hesitated, but only briefly.

"Come on, I'll get dressed real quick and you poke around. I don't think you've seen the rest of the house yet, right?" he asked, not waiting for a response, eager to look more presentable.  

Taehyung followed in silence.

Jungkook led him into the master bedroom and started rummaging around for some nicer clothes while Taehyung stood awkwardly like a deer in headlights.

 "Don't be shy,"Jungkook waved his hand vaguely, "I love seeing real estate that isn't mine, and it's not as if I have anything to hide yet, I just moved in" he joked playfully, pulling on a pair of his favorite jeans.

"Was the rest of your day any better?" he called as Taehyung wandered off.

He didn't really expect an answer anyhow.

There was something so exhilarating about seeing Taehyung in his room, that he couldn't really put coherent thoughts together.

Taehyung  wandered into the master bath, which was admittedly one of the reasons Jungkook loved the house.  

A huge soaking tub and a big walk in shower with a rain feature had pretty much sold him.  

Jungkook pulled off his shirt, exposing his chest and his not so soft stomach.

And the rest of his tattoos, though Taehyung had already seen all that.

"I have serious bathtub envy right now" Taehyung said with a chuckle, surveying the bathroom, "This thing is massive."

Jungkook laughed. He pulled on a white rumpled v-neck and ran his fingers through his hair in the mirror.  
"It's pretty awesome, I love that tub, so relaxing" he mused, watching Taehyung from behind.

Taehyung lingered over it, looking into it and out of the window right above it.  

Jungkook cocked an eyebrow, "Would you like to take a bath?" he asked, half-joking, trying not to laugh.

Taehyung spun around, wide eyed. "Really?" he asked incredulously.

He seemed nervous. He was nervous. He felt like he was doing something he shouldn't, which was perhaps true.

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