3. City Girl

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*Brief content warning for strong language, mature themes, references to sex / sexuality*

Jimin paced with bare feet in his kitchen. All of his calls had gone unanswered. All of his texts were read but none had received replies.

He pressed call once again and listened to it ring until the voicemail picked up.

"Jungkook, it's me. Dude, come on. I'm seriously concerned about you. I don't know where you are. Nobody knows where you are. I'm about to call your mom. Please. If you don't call me back today, I'm calling her. Okay? I love you."

A bitter cocktail of frustration, anger, and worry settled in his chest.


Jungkook woke early to his phone buzzing and silenced it briefly before lying back down and closing his eyes.

It had been a few days alone in this big, new, empty house and he felt ready to begin checking things off the to do list.

In a flutter of activity, he dressed in sweats, and got on the phone. "Kelly, can you get me a car?" He demanded pleasantly.

His assistant paused, "Sure, do you want to buy or lease?"

"Buy" he told her, "A Range Rover this time, grey, matte, with a black interior, okay?" Jungkook rattled off specs to Kelly.

"Oh, and can you get the Aventador shipped here? And if you can't, just get a new one. The weather is nice here, I'd like to drive up to Malibu someday," he finished.

He felt optimistic. Confident. More like his old self.

"Um, okay. Do you want me to arrange that with, uh, her?" Kelly questioned lightly, treading water.

"No, just go over and take it. The keys are in my desk drawer. Also, when will you arrive?" Jungkook's gears were turning just a little fast.

Kelly paused, "I can be there tomorrow, I guess. I need to arrange a place to stay." Jungkook realized she didn't sound overly excited.

"Sure. Get a car too. Use my account for both, okay?" He felt guilty for putting her through this. But not that guilty.

"And can you arrange a housekeeper, and find a boxing gym? I need a haircut too. Just put everything on my calendar," he continued his prattle, "I owe you. Thank you for this. I know it's kinda sudden," he finished, knowing he was asking a lot.

"Uh yeah, you do owe me. I know I'm your assistant but I care about you and it's all really sudden. Have you talked to Namjoon?" she pushed, and he felt himself shut down, pulling away from her.

"I need to go now. Thanks, Kel" he said tersely before ending the call.

He put his phone down and opened his Macbook, sitting on the grey Restoration Hardware couch in his living room and paused. This was impulsive.

He scanned his inbox, doing a few hours of work before sending a message to Kelly to cancel his meetings for the next two days.

He ignored the messages from Jimin and went for a run.


When he returned, sweatier than usual, not yet used to the heat, his phone buzzed again. He looked down at it in annoyance as he peeled off his shirt, discarding it onto the floor of his bedroom.

MOM: Honey, I just heard from Jimin. What's going on?

Jungkook sighed, his whole body deflating as he slid open the door to the yard and stepped out.

DYING TO KNOW | TAEKOOKजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें