37. Back In Your Head

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*Warning for mature content, mention of abuse (not graphic or detailed), adult language*


"Good morning, Kookie Koo," Jimin chirped brightly, gently waking the younger up the next morning.

Today was day one of project fixer upper. And he was both Chip and Joanna...

"We need to talk," he murmured upon seeing Jungkook's eyes slowly open and focus in on him.

Jungkook made some groggy noises but nodded in agreement. He didn't know what Jimin wanted but he didn't have enough willpower to argue.

"First, I'm scared to leave you alone so I'm going to stay for a while," the older informed him while handing over a cup of coffee.

Jungkook nodded, glad to hear this, if he was being perfectly honest.

"Second, we need to talk about what this guy of yours knows about, um, everything," Jimin began.

"I'm guessing if he saw even a fraction of everything I've seen over the years, he's pretty scared right now."

The younger chewed on his lip and thought about it, trying to remember everything he'd told Taehyung about himself.

"Um, not that much. He knows some, but I guess I've only scratched the surface," Jungkook replied, voice still hoarse from sleep.

Jimin studied the younger and tried to find any sign that he was feeling better, but he couldn't tell yet.

"I mean, he went through my desk and found all the pills, so he knows I'm fucking crazy, but that's pretty much it, beyond the disaster the other day," Jungkook attempted a smirk.

"Kookie, you aren't crazy. Something bad happened, it doesn't make you crazy," Jimin stroked the younger's hair.

"Do you want to give me his number and I'll get rid of him? I can tell him not to bother you again, your guy, that is," Jimin offered, serious as a heart attack.

Jungkook shook his head, "No, god, no. No, Chim," he declined adamantly, and then started staring off into space again, much like he had been for the past day.

"We need to find you a new therapist, too. It doesn't have to be today but like, soon," Jimin pushed the final item on his list into Jungkook's airspace and stood up off the bed.

"Need anything?" he asked, waving his hand in front of Jungkook's face, snapping his fingers to bring him out of his trance.

Jungkook blinked but didn't make eye contact, "Can you bring me a drink?" he croaked.

Jimin frowned and raised an eyebrow, "Well, this is coffee. Do you want water or juice, or like coconut water? A smoothie?" he offered, pointing at the cup of coffee.

Jungkook shook his head.

"No. Like a drink drink. Like, vodka," the younger clarified hoarsely.

Jimin snorted, "Kookie, no. It's not even noon, maybe tonight but not now. I don't think that's going to help you right now, as much as you think it will," he flatly declined the request.

"Chim, come on. I don't want to see it anymore. It won't go away, not even when my eyes are open," he begged, putting his head down on the pillow.

Jimin shook his head, "No, baby. I'm sorry. If it's that bad, then we need to go somewhere but getting drunk all day is just not going to work," he said firmly, despite the tight feeling in his chest crawling up into his throat.

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