31. On Directing

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*content warning for adult language and mature themes*

JIMIN: hey, can we meet
for coffee this am?

JUNGKOOK: Ofc, want me
to come to the hotel?

JIMIN: sure

JUNGKOOK: you okay? I was
worried about you last night

JIMIN: yes, just wanted
to clear the air after yesterday

JUNGKOOK: Let me take a
shower and I'll be there soon

Jimin waited in the cafe at the hotel, jittery from too much caffeine. When Jungkook finally arrived, they looked at each other for a few moments without saying anything.

"I'm sorry for holding you to a double standard," Jimin ventured, sincerely, eyes red and puffy. He held out a hand, beckoning Jungkook with his fingers.

The younger gave Jimin his hand for a moment.

"It's okay," Jungkook forgave him quickly. Inside of himself, he knew he didn't have any other options. Jimin was permanent.

The older nodded, "I thought about it last night, and I think I get why it's hard to say things sometimes, at least for me," he ventured reluctantly.

"As soon as I say it to you, it becomes real. I can't be in denial because you can see through it, so sometimes it's easier to hide things from you," Jimin finished, attempting a smile.

Jungkook ordered a coffee and thought about it, "I agree with that. Part of it is like, you know everything, and sometimes that feels unsafe, and other times, I just want to ignore certain things that you force me to face," he admitted ruefully.

"At least we're on the same page," Jimin laughed.

Jungkook nodded, "Yeah, Namjoon won't shut the fuck up about the fact that he thinks we are codependent," he smirked, finding the whole thing to be a bit ironic.

Jimin raised an eyebrow, "He loves a good double standard. Pretends to be all holier than thou, but then judges the shit out of you," he mumbled sardonically.

"He stopped letting me talk to him about you, by the way," Jimin relayed dryly, rolling his eyes. It still kind of stung.

"Not surprised, I've given him all kinds of crap over the years about you and him talking to each other about me," Jungkook snorted.

Jimin's smile twitched a bit and he nodded, a glimmer of recognition in his eyes.

"So, I don't want to keep you here, but I wanted to say two things before I go back home," the older announced, tone hushed and serious.

Jungkook bit his lip and frowned a bit, "I thought you wanted to clear the air," he responded with a darkness in his eyes.

"Isn't it clear now?" Jimin asked, but didn't wait for a response. He sighed deeply and squared his shoulders.

Jungkook gestured for him to get on with it.

"First, I agree, don't sign the papers. But, Lil called me last night and asked if you were going to sign so you need to deal with that like yesterday," he spoke quickly, "Do yourself a favor though, and just give her the money instead," he urged the younger.

Jungkook clenched his jaw and inhaled deeply. He barely gave any indication that he'd even heard what Jimin said other than a stiff nod.

"Second, what the fuck are you going to do about the fact that you are falling in love right now?" Jimin asked, equal parts questioning and declaratory.

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