45. And Darling

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*content warning for mature themes, adult language, references to loss, disposition, and sexuality*

"Well, this isn't exactly what I expected," Jimin said, clearing his throat from the doorway.

He had walked into a very tame and relaxed bedroom containing Jungkook's ex-wife, and current paramour, who were laying down on the same bed, eating candy and watching Father of the Bride.

Lili and Taehyung both startled in unison, looking at him in surprise.

"Hey, Chim, I thought you were busy," Lili greeted him, still in a bit of a drugged out haze.

Jimin nodded, "I was. But I came anyways. Jungkook asked me to," he sighed, tired but glad that everything seemed to be okay.

"Taehyung, this is my brother, Jimin," Lili introduced them, despite knowing, on some level, that they were aware of each other.

Jimin smirked, "We've met, Lil," he corrected, exchanging a brief look with Taehyung.

She raised an eyebrow, "Really? Wow. I guess Jungkook really is going to marry him," she exclaimed, not seeming unhappy, more revelatory if anything.

Taehyung shook his head and felt his pulse increase a few beats per minute.

"That's a little premature, and that idea did not come from me," he declared, shooting a warning glance in Jimin's direction.

Lili snorted, "As we all know, Jungkookie is a bit unpredictable, but if he introduced you to literally everyone in his life, there's no way he's not going to wife you up," she cackled, laughing at her own joke.

Jimin rolled his eyes, "I see you're high on painkillers," he observed, walking into the room and plopping down on the bed at their feet.

"However, it would not shock me if you were right," he said as he nodded in his sister's direction, and shrugged apologetically at Taehyung.

"How's he doing, by the way?" Jimin asked, looking hard at Taehyung, who glared back at him.

Lili looked between the two of them in suspicion, but kept quiet.

Taehyung tilted his head back and forth, "I'd say he's doing alright," he ventured, very, very, carefully.

Jimin made a noise of skepticism, "I'm surprised you got him to actually have fun here," he said, laying the bait for the younger.

Lili snickered, earning herself a death-stare from her brother.

"Yeah, he fucking hates New York, despite growing up here. That's why he loves this hotel so much, because it's so safe and protected from everything else," she blurted out, gesturing around the room.

Taehyung raised his eyebrows, completely taken aback. He refrained from speaking, but just barely.

Jimin nodded, "I don't know if I'd go that far, Lil, but yeah. It's different to see," he allowed, offering a slight smile.

"How are you feeling?" Jimin turned and asked his sister, trying to diagnose any discomfort with his eyes.

Lili made a small pout, "About what you'd expect. It hurts a lot, but the meds are doing an okay job and Taehyung brought a bunch of stuff to help," she said, breezing through her replay.

She tapped out another pain pill and swallowed it dry, then she pointed at Taehyung.

"He's nice," she remarked, woozy and grinning.

Jimin let them turn their attention back to the movie as he looked around the room, disconcerted by this glitch in the matrix where they all seemed to be fine with each other.

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