7. We Didn't Do It

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*Brief content warning for strong language, mature themes, references to sex / sexuality*

Jungkook waited around for days, it seemed. He waited for Taehyung's call, text, anything, but it never came.

He couldn't even bring himself to run on his street any longer. It seemed desperate, or even intrusive, not thrilling any longer.

He tried to stay busy. All of his things had arrived, lovingly packed up in boxes, labeled meticulously by Kelly.

Most of it anyways. There were some that he could tell Lili had packed, because they were full of spite, wrinkled clothes, and broken glass.

Their wedding photo smashed in its frame, thrown in a box like the trash it had become. He tried to ignore that and gingerly worked through unpacking.

He was annoyed with himself that he wanted to be friends with this guy so badly. Why? It was just so beyond annoying.

It took him back to high school, feeling like an outcast amongst the popular kids. Spending all of his time attached to Jimin's hip like a puppy.

He didn't want to be the annoying mosquito that people couldn't get rid of, bobbing and weaving around the periphery.

Despite the years and thousands spent in therapy, he just couldn't get rid of that feeling, no matter how successful he was, no matter how much money he made, no matter how talented he was.

That feeling of being unwanted, unneeded. Superfluous just in his existence. It made him sick. Disgusted.


Finally, finally, the doorbell rang. Jungkook jogged up the stairs to open it, smiling widely when he saw it was Taehyung through the glass door.

He glanced down, shrugging, he figured it had to be fine that he was wearing pajamas. They were Louis Vuitton, after all.

Taehyung was here, in the flesh, looking...bored? Jungkook tried to diagnose his facial expression but couldn't. He had come to a house full of many boxes.

"Hey! Come on in," Jungkook chirped as he held the door open. "I'm sorry about the boxes, all of this stuff finally got shipped over and it's making me crazy," he said sheepishly, "I'm glad you came."

Taehyung stepped inside and surveyed the house, "Wow," he commented towards the boxes scattered across the entire place, following Jungkook into the kitchen where he asked if Taehyung wanted a drink.

"What are you drinking?" Taehyung replied. He looked suspicious for some reason.

"Champagne. It's like, sort of a tradition in my family that whenever anyone goes through a major move, you drink as much champagne as possible while you pack and unpack," Jungkook said sheepishly, gesturing at the empty bottles lined up on the counter.

Taehyung looked amused.

"So, I carried it on even though they aren't here, want some?"

Taehyung nodded, smiling silently with his lips pursed. Jungkook popped another bottle of Dom and poured two glasses, carefully pressing one into Taehyung's hand. "Welcome to the family," he said sardonically.

He led Taehyung into the living room where he sat, a little surprised when Taehyung sat on the same couch next to him, turning his entire body to face Jungkook, resting his arm on the back of the couch. 

With the courage of being a full bottle of bubbles deep, Jungkook was brazen. His awkwardness quieted. "So, Taehyung, what do you do?" he posited.

Taehyung looked down into his well-clad lap, seemingly inspecting his grey gabardine pants. "I'm an actor," he said hesitantly.

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