24. Drove Me Wild

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*brief content warning for adult & s* content, language and mature themes*

Jungkook woke up the next morning drenched in sweat.

For a moment, he wasn't sure why until he felt the moisture of Taehyung's breath on his neck and his hands encircling him like a koala.

The older seemed to run at least a degree warmer than the rest of the population, and even without a shirt on, he radiated heat.

It didn't help, of course, that he had his entire body pressed into Jungkook's back, his arms and legs tangled around the younger.

Taehyung was sleeping soundly. He looked so infallible to Jungkook, ethereal even, as the younger looked over his shoulder to examine Taehyung's face.

It gave him pause. He wondered if he should stay here and wait for Taehyung to wake up, or if he should get up, brush his teeth and take a shower.

It wouldn't be so bad to just watch the older sleep and stare at him unfettered.

It would be neither, he decided, disentangling himself from Taehyung with surgical precision, pushing the blankets into a pile up against the older as a sort of body double to replace his weight in the bed.

Jungkook stepped out onto the balcony, leaning on the railing and peering down into the city. He squinted in the bright morning light, blinking the sleep away from his eyes.

Looking down at his phone, he swiped to check his texts

MOM: Plane is a bit delayed, taking off in a little over an hour.

MOM: See you this afternoon. XOXO

He wrote back to his mom, assuring her that he would see her at the airport, and that he wouldn't be late.

Or forget, like last time. Jungkook supposed he had about five solid hours before he had to get himself clean, fed, and in the car to go get her.

Five hours left to spend with Taehyung before he needed to say goodbye for a few days.

His phone buzzed again.

JIMIN: just dropped your
mom at JFK.

JIMIN: she's so excited.

JIMIN: begged me to join her, btw

JUNGKOOK: Lol. Didn't know
she roped you into taking her

JUNGKOOK: Not exactly sure
what she has against uber

JIMIN: i don't mind

JIMIN: how are you?

JUNGKOOK: I'm pretty good

JUNGKOOK: How are you?

JIMIN: me too

JIMIN: i'm going to be in LA
in a few weeks, just a heads up



JIMIN: have you forgotten
that i WORK in LA periodically?

JIMIN: also it's not like i'm stalking you...LA is a giant city

JUNGKOOK: Right, fair enough

Jungkook felt kind of guilty. He wanted to see Jimin, he really did.

But, he didn't want Jimin to insert himself into his budding life out here and force him to face the truth.

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