21. Where Does the Good Go?

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*brief content warning for mature content, language, and adult interactions*

Taehyung was elated.

Beyond elation, he felt as though nothing could extinguish this. Not even Hobi and Yoongi's cryptic bullshit.

For the first time in years, he felt hopeful.

He had spent so much time just trying–trying to be successful, trying to keep a low profile, trying to make it work with Jin, that this felt refreshing.

He was just being.

Taehyung had this sense that Jungkook was like a wild rabbit. Come close, and then run away. The closer he got, the further he retreated the next time. Nervous, timid, afraid to be touched too intimately, as though vulnerability might scald him.

So Taehyung decided to just be. He would stay where he was and let Jungkook come closer to him of his own volition. And it was working.

He didn't really understand what the younger was so afraid of, what deep darkness he had experienced to make him so petrified of people but he hoped they'd get there eventually.

And as the heaviness started to lift out of his life, he could see the light finally. He could see something that looked more like a future he was interested in.

Taehyung went grocery shopping and dressed neatly, with navy slacks and a vanilla colored short sleeved shirt. He walked Yeontan and put him inside before turning right around and strolling down to Jungkook's house.

He tried to be slow, purposeful, not overly eager. It was hard. He wasn't cool, he was honest. It just wasn't in him to try and be anything other than himself.

So he marched down to Jungkook's house, arriving early and then feeling terrifically awkward about what to do. Should he ring the bell? Just wait? Text him?

The decision paralysis got to be too much. Just as he looked down at his phone to check the time, 6:47, Jungkook walked down the hallway, right by the door. Which wouldn't in itself have been a big deal, but the house was practically made of glass.

So of course, he saw Taehyung just lurking there. Great.

Jungkook buttoned his shirt and walked barefoot towards the door, looking amused.

"You could have rung the bell or texted me, you know," he remarked, grinning, as he opened the door.

Taehyung went red, "I'm sorry. Jesus, I don't know what my problem is," he cringed, embarrassed. He followed Jungkook inside, shuffling around him as the younger finished getting ready.

"Don't worry about it," Jungkook mumbled, "It really isn't a big deal."

Cute. Tae was nervous.

Taehyung would not stop moving. He was fidgeting, unable to sit still. It unnerved Jungkook.

"What is wrong?" He finally asked, raising his eyebrows at Taehyung.

The elder laughed weakly and shrugged, "Nothing! Oh my god, nothing is wrong. I'm glad to see you," he rambled.

Jungkook stepped towards him, putting a hand on Taehyung's arm, kissing him softly, moving his lips against the older's slowly, with care, before pulling away to look at him. "Are you sure? You're acting weird," he cracked, looking hesitant.

"I'm trying really hard not to act weird," Taehyung sighed, putting his hands in his pockets.

The younger nodded slowly, "Well, sorry to say, but you aren't doing a very good job," he proclaimed, chuckling to himself.

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