Dumbeldore's Escape

Start from the beginning

"Right! Don't speak then stay out of my problems that doesn't concern you, This is my life and your the last person I care! So do me an thing and get out of my life I hate you!" 

Draco gasped you realized what you had said

"D--Draco I'-I'm--"

He shuffled in his foot you knew you had hurt him, badly  "I'm sorry N/n I love you and that is why I'm worried."

Your eyes were filled with tears of regret that line kept repeating in your head like a broken recorder "Draco, Please stop don't leave. I'm sorry"

But he didn't look back he ran down stairs, you wanted to run after him and embrace him how could you have said something so.... Disgusting like that? What did you mean get out of my life? and oh my god what did you mean by Hate you? What was wrong with you?

He and your parents were the family you never had and he was the last one of that family and you ruined with words. You couldn't even run after him, you were consumed by the shock and loathe of your own words. You gasped as you collapsed to the cold stone like floors 

"I--I'm sorry Draco" You managed to chock out "I didn't mean them, I didn't mean them I love you brother please

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"I--I'm sorry Draco" You managed to chock out "I didn't mean them, I didn't mean them I love you brother please...." You sobbed heavily you rushed outside Hogwarts and just to the Forbidden forest. 
You slid down a tree and cried your heart what was going wrong with you? You couldn't put the frustration of your life on your beloved brother. You sat for hours on end feeling absolutely hate on yourself you couldn't protect them... You couldn't help your friends in the DA when the worked so hard, Your plan because of that is the reason why they must be paying in blood now. Draco how could you have hurt him like that? 
You told you hated him! Draco would have died instead of you believing you hated him, How could you have not planned this? Couldn't you warn them? Umbridge was on to them Harry, Ron and Hermione, Nevile and Luna, Ginny, Fred, George your friends you let them down of your foolish mistake.

You don't know how much you had cried because you had woken up with a terrible headache it was dusk already you had lost tack of time the last was at 3pm or 4pm?

You had to know what had happened you used the Apparition charm again as you teleported to the once lively hallway, Minerva was walking down as she suddenly had a worried look, looking at your condition.

"Are you okay dear." It was a clearly a statement.

"No ma'am where's Dumbeldore in his office right?"

Once she confirmed it you went to Dumbeldore's office. Where you herd Umbridge and Fudge, you without knocking entered.

Umbridge glared at you "There you are Black--"

"I won't do the Detention. You will pay Bitch!" You spilled coldly Dumbeldore was surprised to see you acting so insane?? 

"You need to take him to Azkaban."

You felt warm pair of arms pull you into one of the safest embraces ever, you needed it. You flinched unexpectedly it was Harry he was holding you. You closed your eyes you clutched your hands on his chest not bothering to return the embrace you just took heavy, shaky breaths.

"It's okay deep breaths breathe with me." Harry comforted you remembering the day he shielded it from Snape your words how warmly you had etched them how sweetly with hope it had been spoken. "Breath in" You slowly took one deep shaky breath "Breath out" You let go of it equally shaky. You held on to him with your head on his shoulder. You said not a word.

"Will you talk to us now? Or is your next plan to avoid? Will you distance yourself? Or trust us?
I've missed you I see you everyday but the girl I met in Diagon alley has vanished long before I knew it, Want to see that girl again?" Harry spoke as he warmly kissed your forehead, you said nothing trying to find the right words to suit the situation. Harry had never spoken this it wasn't odd for him it was normal.

"I will tell you all everything, Never will I hide my feelings ever again." You said.

"How do you proof that?" 
"From today." 

Harry let you go as Dumbeldore was talking to Umbridge and Fudge.

"I tell you I have no intentions to go to Azkaban." Dumbeldore winked as Fawks soared through the sky before erupting in an beautiful shade of orange and red. After it had dissolved The headmaster had disappeared.

"Take that Umbridge! Never will I ever obey you. Nor, take the Detentions." You said finally regaining yourself.

Harry looked at you.

"You may not like  that girl or Dumbeldore, But Dumbeldore's got style

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"You may not like  that girl or Dumbeldore, But Dumbeldore's got style." A man named Kingsly Shacklebolt said.

" A man named Kingsly Shacklebolt said

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Fudge was astounded

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Fudge was astounded.

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