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In a daze as she smiled brightly, on the way home, Andrea who is currently giving her and Lollita a ride per usual, was grumbling at the headache she's experiencing, yet it somehow didn't stop her from being their driver.

"Were you guys lonely without me?" She said her voice still coarse as she glanced at both of them, "Not really.", Y/n shrugged before going back to her scenarios with Alejandro.

"Sooo Y/n, are you not gonna tell me, that you and Alejandro are partners, for a school project." She said as the automobile stopped at the red light, turning to the H/c female for answers, Lollita leaned in curious about the topic.

"Wait, you and him? why didn't you tell us sooner?" The white-haired female said, looking at her, she chuckled nervously, "I don't need to tell you guys anything you know."

"You have to! It is part of our sisterhood!" Andrea whined, stepping on the pedal, startling both of her companions, "Since when did it become green light?!" Lollita shouted in distress.

"Chill, it did you were too busy looking at Y/n, so you wouldn't know."

She sunk on the back of the sea as Lollita looked away, averting both her friends gazes, "As I was saying, when are you planning on telling us?!"

"Not ever!, I don't want you guys overthinking this whole situation, or something."

Andrea pouted, as the other maiden looked at her with a solemn expression, "Overthink?, I thought you moved on." her serious tone switched the jolly atmosphere inside the car, the two companions Lollita was with, looked at her with such confusion in their eyes.

Y/n's throat felt dry as she tried to mutter a singe word out of her mouth, sensing the white haired friend of hers isn't joking around anymore ,it made her hesitate to answer, not wanting to cause a  misunderstanding over a topic that isn't that worth to put up a fight.

"What's up with you?" Andrea poked Lollita on the forehead as her driving came at stop at the H/c girls destination.

She smiled chirpily before giggling uncontrollably, "I was kidding, Y/n good luck on being partners with him" she gritted her teeth upon saying the statement.

"Oh!, HAHAHAHA your so funny Lollita."

"see you guys tomorrow!" opening the door of the vehicle slamming it softly behind her as she was seen jogging over to her front door before entering the vicinity.

The two females left was drowning in the silent seas, a shadow casted over Lollita's eyes, the other female whistled as she glanced at her companion warily, "You almost slipped-"

"I know!" she hissed at her spitefully glaring at the person driving the automobile, putting her hands up in defense, "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND,PUT YOUR HAND BACK!" screeching loudly as Andrea winced at her.

"Wow, take a chill pill, did you missed your medications this morning?" She asked almost in a teasing manner, Lollita.

"Shut up and drive me home, please" Pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance as she disregarded her friends existence, "Oi!, watch your mouth, remember I'm the one taking you home, princess." She snapped back furiously.

n e x t _ f i l e

𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang