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Staring at the window quiet disarray from the encounter with the H/c maiden this morning, it made her fidgety to even think about their whole interaction.

Well, you see as she was passing the hallway to her next class, that route happened to be passing Y/n's classroom, her sight landed on the female form along with Alejandro as they conversed happily, with them close together, and Y/n seemingly holding a cat on her hands, making it look like they were a couple.

At least in her eyes.

a gloomy aura surrounds her, concerning the student passing her, stomping harshly at the marble pavement silently throwing a tantrum in her head, reaching out for her cell device in her pocket, hesitating before clicking the familiar name in her contacts.

"Y/n, I've been meaning to ask you, "Alejandro said in a serious tone, perking up the female as her mind went panic mode, she thought about what she said earlier, what if she had said something offensive?

"Want to have lunch together?" He grinned.

Lunch?, stopping her from having a mental breakdown in the daybreak over something she doesn't even know about, she stared as his ears turned red after asking which made the female unresponsive, nodding her head as she tries not to grin.

"Of course, that would be delightful!" Accepting the offer as a bubbling feeling of excitement course through her veins.

everything felt like a dream.

Her right eye twitched upon arriving at the table where they were suppose to eat at, gripping on kitty a little hard as it made a pained mewl sound, softening her hold as she sat down on one of the unoccupied seats, facing Alejandro and his companion.

"Y/n!, glad you make it this is my best friend, Timothy." he beamed with pride upon introducing his friend, she looked at the person, taking in every detail of the boy in front of her.

'Wow, he's handsome.'

A coat of red hues tinted his pale cheeks, his messy purple locks suits well with his pink eyes, upon making eye contact with the timid boy, he gasped as how beautiful the maiden in front of him is.

"Hi!, nice to meet you" He squeaked averting his eyes from her predatorial looking ones, she smirked internally before, smiling kindly at him, "Same too, hope we can get along."

He smiled at her as she sparked the conversation between them ,to which he happily reciprocated. The green haired male watched the scene, swelling his heart with so much joy seeing his friend talk to other people, 'Willingly that is.'

n e x t _ f i l e

Another update~~~ i love spoiling you guys tehehehhe ^^

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