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'A couple?!' the story headlines goes online, with a picture of Mishka and Alejandro's smiling faces. Never thought this day would come, but finally, he was happy with someone else, free from Y/n's grasp. So they say.

Glass one down, rounding up the other four shots she drank earlier, to keep herself from bawling her eyes at the people dating allegations between the Samson heir, and Ares family's perfect golden boy. Wiping a stray tear from her bloodshed puffy eyes.

Throwing the fragile glass across the room startling the person around her, "Y/n, don't go around throwing cups, those are expensive you know." Felix scolded the girl. She nodded sullenly, swinging her backpack on her shoulders, trudging towards the door, "You're going to school? you're intoxicated how about you stay home instead, I can bake you cookies?" Her father asked as he moved forward his daughter.

She smiled shaking her head, "No thanks Dad, I'll go."

'And teach that bitch a lesson.'

By how close they are, and how they interact, people can assume something is going on between Alejandro and Mishka, who wouldn't? 

"Lolita I'm going to kill your sister." She announced still keeping her gaze on the window, her white haired friend hummed.

"I couldn't careless ,do what you must."

Finally the wait paid off, walking towards Mishka as she was placing her stuff on her locker, tapping her shoulders as Y/n presented an award winning smile. "Mishka hey what's up?"

Her gold eyes widen upon seeing the familiar younger girl, "Omg Y/n?!, how are you?" She gawked hugging the girl, she however didn't reciprocate her hug, and luckily the hallway is quiet as a dessert, before she grab ahold of her collar, slamming her to the nearest wall.

The older girl choked out, as she felt her breath knocked out of her, "Y/n what are you doing?" Peering down the girl ,who's now emitting a sinister aura towards her, "I'm just gonna cut to the chase, stop seeing Alejandro from now on."

Still not loosening her grip of her clothing Mishka scoffed, "And why is that?" she replied in a calm and collected faccade, angering Y/n more.

"Cause he's mine!"

"He belongs to himself not yours he's not your property, and it's not like you both are in a relationship."

"Also-" she sniffed her breath before her expression scrunching in disgust, "Have you been drinking?"

"He does and he knows that he belongs to me!" With that being said she let go of her ignoring her previous following remark about her alcohol breath.

A bystander listening from the hidden microphone installed in Mishka's locker, with a smile on his face, his breathing pattern became erratic as he kept replaying the words.

"Cause he's mine!"

"Cause he's mine!"

"Cause he's mine!"

Biting his bottom lip as he tried not to make any sounds as he came to his high listening to the frustrated voice of, Y/n. "Definitely worth it." He muttered under his breath as he's cleaning himself.

n e x t_ f i l e

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