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Approaching the hellish room,  she grumbled profanities as she tried to calm her anger rising.

why you may ask?

"Y/n~, guess who I caught cheating on me, again!" Mira's honey voice welcomed the little to no energy teenager, her E/c at the sight uphold front of her, "Mom what the heck!" she exclaimed as she took in her father's state.

Gashes of whips were displayed raw on his once flawless skin, a tight collar giving him almost no room for oxygen, half naked on the cold floor as he refused to make eye contact with the female members of the family.

Scurrying close to his form she tried not to cry as she checked for any fatal wounds, "Y/n, it's fine." Felix's hoarse voice stopped the girl, she kneeled there looking at him with a disbelief expression.

"Darling please stand up, I don't want that man's blood to get into your uniform." Her mother ushered the said girl to stand up, she complied numbly still eyes fixated on her father, his head lifted with a smile graced on his lips.

"I deserve this for hurting your mother, now go have breakfast."

Recalling the last conversation she had with her father, made her anger to why he is letting her mom do those things, though they fight she thought that she won't go all out, turns out her expectations was just a mere hoax.

"Y/n!" The white haired female called out the girl, stopping her from having a mid existential crisis in the broad daylight, glancing at the jogging Lollita as she mad her way to Y/n

"I notice that you were distressed earlier, so here take it." Shoving a box of chocolate at the female Y/n smiled before taking it from her associates grasp, "Thank you, Lollita."

"Though you don't have to."

She stuttered out an inaudible response before departing.

Meanwhile after disappearing completely from the maidens sight, Lollita clutched her chest, trying to even out her uneven breathing pattern.

"I did it.." she mumbled under her breath with a sigh of relief following it, her eyes sparkling with happiness as she smiled at the memory of Y/n smiling because of her.

"What are you doing to me, Y/n."

n e x t _ f i l e

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