c h a p t e r_t w o: crush

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"Y/N!!!" A feminine voice called out to the Knights residents, Mira quickly fixed up her daughter's collar which the girl allowed her even though it was a bit unnecessary, before opening the door with a bright smile on her face, "Good morning ladies and gents, 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧, at your service!"

The black-haired female welcomed both Mira and Y/n, the eldest knight cheered on the hyper teenager, whereas Y/n just stared with little to no energy finding her good morning soured by what happened to her father earlier, 'So bright.'  She sighed while looking at her friend. "You never fail to amuse me Andrea" Y/ns mom mused happily, before pushing her daughter outside making her hiss at the sunlight as it was slapped directly in her eyes, "Ugh-"

"Whoops sorry honey~" She giggled before pulling her husband to her side still with a smile plastered on her face, gripping his forearm as he tried not to react from how tight she was holding him.

"Bye-bye, Y/n!, Felix say goodbye to your daughter" She demanded under her breath as she said to her husband, "Bye Y/n!, have a nice day at school" He reciprocated the smile Mira had on her face, and then the door was now closed quickly.

"Well, that's that." Andrea chuckled as she looked at Y/n in the eyes, her golden cat-like eyes shimmered through the light igniting it, as she continued to stare into the E/C ones.

"What?" Y/n broke the silence between them as she walked beside her companion, "What happened?" She asked giving the H/C female knowing looks, as they started to walk to where her friends car was parked, "You know, the usual I guess." Y/n said sullenly.

"Y/n, I've known you for a long time stop being a bitch and just talk to me" Elboeing the girls sides, "You know the answer already, why bother asking." She deadpanned, now entering the vehicle.

"Bitch." Andrea mumbled, before turning the ignition of the car, as they drove away.

The familiar premises of the university made Y/n want to rip herself in half as the same cycle begins once more, upon sitting for hours listening to the professor talking, shivering at the fact of socializing with people. Their transportation came to it's stop, making her sigh, 'eventually everything good doesn't seem to last'  She thought somberly.

Another day torment continues.

"I'm sorry for what happened earlier, I just don't want to talk about it." She said to her friend who was fixing herself up on the mirror of the car, Andrea then replied, "You don't know how long I've been waiting for that apology." she said dramatically.

Rolling her eyes at the response, before exiting the vehicle, ignoring her friends scolding.

Knowing if she had took notice on this behavior it fuels the ebony haired female, in results to her listening to her talk about the offence Y/n committed.

"Can you shut your mouth, Andrea" a voice stopped Y/n's, companion mid sentence as she glared at the person, "Fuck you, 𝐋𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚." the white haired female ignored her, as she handed Y/n her morning coffee. The maiden thanked her other companion as she now see how Lolita shove a cake pop on Andrea's mouth.

"You know , I always question how you got inside, 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐚n𝐜𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲, by your pea sized brain." Her eyes met with her companion, making her scoff before chewing the cake pop, with an irk mark on her forehead as she glared at her friend.

Making their way to the nearest bench their sight landed on, they sat down and conversed about random things. Y/n's attention drifted to a certain person that makes university a bit bearable, the one that stirs feelings inside her, to which she didn't think she would experience in quiet a long time.

The person she has been eyeing since beginning of the school year, and who is also oblivious of her existence well maybe not entirely, they have been classmates for one year she just can't seem to hold a conversation with him. Finding it hard to utter a word without stuttering.

Who must this be? Her crush.

𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐞𝐬.

The pride and joy of the Revance university which is obviously owned by their family, known as the perfect golden boy from the families, and the dream guy of every girls on, 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐲. Due to the fact he's kind, helpful, respectful, smart and so on the list continues, or what people say shortly, he has the personality of an angel to top his good looks.

from his curly green colored hair, and his sparkling orange fox eyes that shone against the square lens he wears, etc.

he is every girls dream guy per say.

No doubt people would swoon if they were to be glanced by him or the other way around, And she was no different. Lost in thought Y/n continues to gawk at him as he talked with the crowds, her heart ached at the distance between them two, she wanted him to look at him, talk to her.

Maybe like her as she liked him too.

By the shift of her attitude her two companion stopped talking momentarily, "You ok?" Lolita tapped her shoulders, she nodded as Andrea chuckled. "It's about him again isn't it?, girl ignore him, you'll find other boys more better than him" She said.

"Or girls." Lollita followed as Andrea looked at her coyly.

"Yeah, sure." she answered, but despite that she knows, her heart wants him and no other else.

- To Be Continued

what i imagine alejandro looks like🤭[ but feel free to imagine how ever you like! :> ]

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what i imagine alejandro looks like🤭
[ but feel free to imagine how ever you like! :> ]

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