c h a p t e r_s e v e n: parted ways

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Whispers from left to right, she could feel their burning stares bore into her skull, with her two companions occupied side, glaring at the students who dared point or gave her nasty glares.

Looking down at the floor, as she went on to her destination, "Y/n." a firm voice stopped her from walking, She looked at her friend Lollita, she then interlocked their fingers together, Y/n didn't seem to notice the pink hue coating her cheeks, she smiled at the maidens comfort as they pressed on.

Andrea saw the whole ordeal happening she couldn't help but smile before clicking her tongue agitatedly, "Y/n where here."

"Want me to stay?"

"I mean us, to accompany you inside?", the H/c maiden shook her head, "No thanks, guys."

Y/n entered the classroom as she ignored the stink looks she had been receiving, Alejandro on the other hand was sitting on his chair. Was noticeably a little haggard for the morning, but upon noticing the person he'd been waiting for, his once crestfallen state was uplifted upon seeing her, wasting no time he approached her.

"Y/n, I'm sorry if you've been dragged by all this drama." He said after she sat down, "It's ok.", the green haired male thought otherwise, he shook his head, "No it's not, is there anything i can do to make it up to you?" he pleaded taking her hand.

At the sudden change of persona, she raised her eyebrows, quiet tempted to say yes, "No, thank you Alejandro, and besides the project is finished, I returned Kitty to the professor yesterday already."

"Yeah, but will you be hanging out with me still?, Timothy doesn't mind you joining us at all!" He gleamed happily, Gosh she wanted to laugh at him. For being cute.

"I can't, me and my friends have plans already."

"They can join too!" She sighed disappointedly as he wasn't taking the hint of her subtle rejection, "Alejandro I'm sorry, but I really can't." Reasoning with Alejandro was a tough job, as he kept on making solutions for every excuse she makes. And knowing her friends, they weren't too keen with being involve with him, so bringing them along to hangout with Alejandro would cause a major catastrophe.

"Is it because of the rumors is it?" He looked at her with a sullen expression.

"Well-" She was cut off mid sentence by him.

"I get it Y/n, it's fine." He said dejectedly.

"That was tiring." Y/n groaned as she stretched her stiff muscles from sitting down an entire hour, yawning tiredly as she swung her bag into her shoulders, unknown to her that a particular pink eyed, individual looked at her, with a gloomy expression upon accidentally eavesdrop on their conversation earlier. He sighed as he waited for his companion, "Sorry Timothy, I tried convincing her. "Alejandro said pouting his pink plump lips, "Worth a shot." his companion replied quiet disappointed.

"Wahh~,Y/n Lollita!!"Andrea called out for the two maidens as they met up in the bustling hallway,"Shhh!" The white haired female shushed the obnoxious maiden approaching them, not wanting to catch unwanted attention. "I have some news to tell you guys!~" She giggled as she shook the closest girl in her reach, which happens to be Lollita she didn't seem to mind it though, still keeping up with a neutral expression in her face.

"First, Y/n I heard that you rejected Alejandro, don't worry I'm not mad~" Her mouth went wide open ,before backing away to the darker side of the hallway in hopes to disappear from existence .

"And second, guess who just got invited to a party!!"

"Party?"Lollita said tilting her head, "Yes, and it will be held tomorrow night, to be precise and I invite you two to accompany me!"

As they were conversing Y/n stayed on the side glued on her phone, distracting herself after a few while glancing up to the people passing by. Her E/c eyes met familiar orange ones looking at her, smiling at him in recognition which Alejandro reciprocated, and his companion gave her a shy wave.

"So Y/n what do you think?" She looked over to them curiously, "Hmm?", they both stared at her before responding, "We're going to the party tomorrow night, and you're not allowed to say no."

smiling from ear to ear, the white haired female put two thumbs up in the background, she hesitated before opening her mouth.

"Y/n you have my permission ok?"

"No need to be all hard to get, you know mommy will help you with you're outfit!" Mira smiled as she patted her chest with such pride. "See even your mom said so." Andrea said oozed with excitement, "By the way, I don't really see your other friend often, why is that?" the older female Knight asked.

"It's probably because her family won't allow her to quote on quote slack off." the room went on dead silent after that as they stared at each other.

"Still, I'm not going."

"Very well,  respect your decision." as her eyes met with Andrea's eyes seeing as how an amused glint shone through it mirroring the older female Knight.

Albeit that suspicious gesture, the H/c maiden, believed their words at heart.

- To Be Continued

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