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How to make a person shut up.

she realized that Monday was only a day away.

After the stunt, she pulled knowing that Alejandro would bombard her with questions and tears first thing in the morning. And her theory is correct, Patting the weeping male back as she returned his embrace, "There there, I'm sorry Alejandro, I've been so stressed that day, that I forgot about it." Lies had escaped her mouth fluently, and her honey voice had given Alejandro comfort, yet the heartache remained.

"I understand, but please reply to my text at least." He mumbled against her shoulder, still in a hug not planning to unlatch himself, now that she is here with him. Lowkey takes advantage of his sorrow for her to be affectionate.

"I was so worried! All weekend I had you in my mind and-"

"I'm here now, you don't have to worry anymore." She caressed his hair softly as she smiled at his behavior, finding it adorable how desperate he was for her.

Oh how much she craved for it so bad.

"What is going on here?" Lollita demanded getting agitated at Alejandro's peculiar behavior, he looked at her giving the maiden a glare as he spoke, "It's none of your business." and that he retreated back to burying his head into the crook of Y/n's neck, basking in the affections she gave him.

Hugging his form as she let him clung unto her for the time remaining before they have to go to class.

The white haired girl, strayed from the crowds, now all alone in the bathroom stall as tears threatened to escape her eyes, with her shaky hands she brought her phone back to her sights glaring at the picture of Alejandro.

'You think I don't know?' She pondered manically, as she pressed a certain picture, that may destroy his 'relationship' with Y/n. "Now open your eyes~" She instructed Alejandro, uncovering the blindfold on his eyes, as he let out an astonished gasp, before him was a picnic set up under the oak tree behind the school, taking his hands as Y/n pulled him closer to the blanket.

"So what do you think?" she asked as she sat beside him, taking a bite at her sandwich as she waited for his response.

Snapping out of his thoughts as he confirmed that he isn't daydreaming, he smiled beamingly, "I like it, thank you Y/n." Blushing as he said those statement before quickly opening his lunchbox.

Comfortable silence engulf them as they spent the time in each others presence.

| Lollita sent an attachment. |

n e x t_ f i l e


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